
Reminded me too much of Princess Bride.

Fair enough—I was misremembering what he said to her. Thanks for clarifying!

So Doran knew what Ellaria was gonna do, right? Isn't that what they were setting up in his speech last week to Ellaria about a 2nd…and 3rd…chance, followed by the pointed eye-contact?

Great idea.
I did see that the casting notice seems to include the Victarion Greyjoy character for next season so I wonder if he'll be part of the horn thing, at least at the outset.

I'd put my money on Jon, Dany, and the longshot of…Tyrion. If all the book hints about him perhaps being a Targaryen bastard aren't a fake-out. In some ways, it would be cool to look back on tonight's bantering about their shit fathers as foreshadowing.
(In my scenario Bran is the new underground tree guy and can't

I just want Theon dead, really. At least not for him to get to survive because Sansa gets all lady merciful and allows him to redeem himself. But not for him to get all faux noble and allow her to kill him. In other words, if his death is gonna serve a purpose, I'd rather his recompense to the Starks is

And if they do have him die, isn't one possible way to go Theon as a sacrifice? Am I wrong that in the book Stannis is heading back North w/Theon in tow? Why not use his royalreek blood in some kind of BericD-ThorosM-Melisandre-ish mojo to bring Jon back if he needs a cosmic defib?

And odds are Jon will join category #4.
Also odds Theon will play a key role in making that happen.

New thought: let's have Theon end up being Mellisandre's royal blood sacrifice. It solves for keeping Shireen alive and Stanis from more dick points. It also satisfies people who want Theon to be redeemed without requiring any fng forgiveness or understanding or skinning of a fatted calf by Sansa and the Starks. I say

Hey! What if Theon ends up being the royal blood Mellisandre needs? Kinda a win-win all around, if you ask me.

I agree with prediction re Sansa stabbing. But I hope like hell Theon doesn't get to finish it. IMHO he's so fng beyond redemption at this point. I want him to die as nasty a death at Stark hands as Ramsey.

Any other book readers wondering if the show might take a certain key "young" character from the books whose part has so far been skipped and graft him onto Trystane? It'd be a way to combine plot lines and make the Trystane/Marcella and overall Dorne thing have more narrative value in terms of "the game" than the