
If Peppermint makes her own costumes, why did she struggle so much in the challenges when she had to make something? I doubt that she personally made the dresses she wore at the finale. Even though I didn't like them, they would not have been easy to make so someone who could barely put together the Draggily Ever

One thing I loved about Sasha's white look was that it was androgynous. It was so sharp and modern from the waist up and it was perfection teaming it with a circular skirt that she could use to dramatic effect on stage. Stunning.

I thought that too. It just goes to show how clueless Miss Fame was not to have thought of that.

"this was the least funny John Waters-inspired anything, ever." So true. Actually, the writing throughout this season has been very poor. Shakesqueer, Whatever Happened to Merle, etc. It was all so painful to watch.

I think a big part of why Ginger didn't win was that her look was boring and extremely dated. She didn't wear a single fabulous outfit in the entire competition and what sealed her fate was the dowdy frock she wore for her number in the finale. It confirmed that style wise, she was out of touch and way behind Pearl

I still have no idea what RuPaul was thinking when he chose Tyra over Raven. That abrasive personality, lack of warmth, annoying voice and, what no one else has mentioned yet, Tyra's make up was ALWAYS CRUSTY AND TERRIBLE!

I actually felt that the blatant favouritism in season six was shown to Adore and Joselyn, rather than Courtney. Don't get me wrong, I liked their personalities but their standard of drag was well below the others. I can think of times that both should have been in the bottom two but weren't.

Well said. The only thing I disagree with is the last part about there having been no challenges that showcase Miss Fame's talent, because the fashion/nude challenges in episode one were 100% Fame's thing (yet Violet trounced her both in the fashion and the nudity).

I'm not passionate about any of these queens but I think Violet stands out as deserving of the crown because she represents something new in a very polished way. Ginger's drag is history and Pearl's presentation isn't as impressive as Violet's.

I think she's trying to create the illusion that she has years and years more experience than she actually does. I'm not 100% sure, but did she say at one point that she's been doing drag for 17 years? Does she count the times she dressed up in her room as a boy?

Did you honestly think "that's Adele" when you first saw Ginger?

You hit the nail on the head with the phrase "Tatiana's Britney Spears was a parody of a perception of Britney" because that's what is required in the snatch game or any other impersonation. No one is saying it's an audition for a biopic but the caricature has to be based on a general perception of a celebrity's

Anyone who has seen Adele in interviews will know Ginger's "impersonation" was anything but. Ginger just did a bunch of fat dumb chick jokes that had nothing to do with who Adele really is as a woman. There was nothing clever or funny about it.

I'd like to see that too LOL

I don't think Sad Pink Eyes actually "got" the "how's your head?" joke. I'm betting Kandy Ho explained it to her off camera so she wouldn't embarrass herself again.