
Maybe Bryce met Jared before he was promoted into Gavin's inner circle? Jared may have began his life at Hooli lower on the corporate totem pole and used his real name until Gavin took notice of him. Maybe they ran into each other on Hooli campus.

I don't think these possibilities are mutually exclusive. I think Gavin is projecting his own terribleness onto Richard AND Richard is a completely self-involved asshole. I don't think Asperger's is the beginning and end of Richard's issues.

Huh. Different strokes I guess, I think I laughed harder in this episode that I have in any, save Georgia.

Given how confused he was about how ejaculation works, I doubt he's slept with anyone.

"Archie gushing blood while trying to rescue Cheryl when he was hitting hard ice not something sharp like glass"
Eh, punching something that hard for that long will cause a lot of bleeding. It doesn't need to be sharp.

Agreed. If nothing else, I'd expect Ben to be doing more of the foreign elections work that he was alluded to have already been involved in during last week's episodes. Foreign politicians pay big bucks to failed US political hacks all the time.

The opening Coming to America sequence this week was great, though I hope it isn't meant to completely replace the story of the twins. That was my favorite Coming to America story from the novel.

It didn't for me. Despite his regular weaselyness, it's been clear since the end of last season that he has a genuine affection for Fitz, and likely for Simmons by extension. It's believable to me that he would be horrified enough by Fitz's Framework alter ego to be more motivated to get him out of the framework

"Of course, regardless of any of that, a lawyer having sex with the star witness in her case is still a disbarment worthy offense."

I thought one of the thawed out people said that Natalie was able to get someone within Max Rager to let her make a phone call to the mob guy she's currently the mistress of, and that that guy basically bought her out of the Max Rager basement.

"They're dead because they died, definitely and conclusively, then came back to life as undead"

Nah. I don't think memory loss changes a person's nature entirely. Major is a good person with a good support structure, and will likely still be a good person without his memories. Likewise, I don't think current Blaine is that good of a person. Memory loss put the worst of his schemes on hold for now (possibly

Peyton is way too young to be believable as the DA of Seattle. She can't be more than 5 years out of law school, tops. Besides, anyone who gets drunk with and sleeps with their top witness/informant while they're building a very important against a murdering mob boss is not responsible/professional enough to deserve

Ew no. I have a bigger problem with Peyton sleeping with Blaine when she thought he was just the star witness of the highest profile case of her career (rather than the child-murdering criminal mastermind we knew he also was) than I have with anything you just mentioned about DA Baracus. That was so grossly

To be fair, it wasn't like they had a whole lotta choice. Major was on death's door and there wasn't really time to get rid of Justin before figuring out how best to save Major. I agree that there are likely to be serious consequences from the fact that Justin heard, but I don't think it could have been helped.

I doubt that's why Marjorie chose him, and Marjorie's already expressed concerns about the kind of genes Selina will have contributed to the baby through Catherine. I just think it's surprising she'd be open to adding more sociopathic DNA to her child, looks be damned.

It's one episode, but it's a fairly significant change. They made Shadow into a career criminal, when in the books, he was a law abiding citizen who got talked into taking one job by his wife and ended up getting caught. That change will likely give Wednesday and Shadow more to bond over, and probably gives Shadow a

I loved that joke and won't apologize for it. Probably because it isn't true even in the world of Veep, but reflects Selina's cynical belief that all charitable organizations are as craven as her own.

yup. Along with onion and celery, about every good soup has them even if the soup purees them to the point of invisibility.

I both loved and was baffled by their decision to go to Dan. Loved it because it will be a fun storyline, but baffled they'd chose such a snake to be their baby daddy. I was surprised Marjorie didn't slam the brakes on the idea after Dan told them he'd need an extra 10 minutes to start the 72 hours clock because his