
Oh I know. I'm not complaining that they changed some things for the show, as no truly great adaptation is slavishly faithful to the original work. I'm only disappointed because I had hoped a particular plot point from the novel would be fleshed out, and it seems like they wrote out the thing that I hoped they

I liked that scene, though I was a little disappointed that it changed Shadow into more of a criminal than he was in the books. I don't mind the change exactly, but there was a plot hole in the novel (Laura's involvement in the robbery) that I had hoped the show would fill but this change makes that hope seem

Agreed. For example, we only get to "see" Shadow take trips with Wednesday to go meet with 4 different gods (Czernobog, Easter, Whiskey Jack and the unnamed god in Vegas), but we know he went on more of those visits than Gaiman included full scenes for. That leaves a lot of territory for the show to expand into/.

Ian McShane's performance exceeded my wildest expectations. I had no doubt he'd do well in the rule, but he is a better Wednesday than I could have dreamed.

Yes, though only once and not until pretty late in the novel. That doesn't mean her role can't be expanded for the show though!

They're only doing a third of the book for the first season. It seems like they're going to squeeze out a least 3 seasons from just the novel. That seems doable, as the novel is fairly dense, and there's a lot of visits that Shadow and Wednesday made to different gods that were only mentioned in passing in the text

I loved that that severed arm was still able to deliver a serious blow to someone else before flying out of frame. I was surprised anyone lived to escape that fight.

Agreed. That particular dream sequence was too cartoony for my taste. It was the only misstep of the episode for me.

It didn't, That was the point of the story. Green and Fuller wanted to make this change, biut Gaiman stopped them. As he said, he picks his battles on when to step in and try to prevent big changes made to his work and when to just let them do it. On this one, he chose to step in and I'm glad he did as I agree

It basically returned to the status quo. They were still work-friendly for the rest of the season, though Amy was obviously no longer hoping to get a night-cap with him. Amy's Dad seemed way more put out over Dan hooking up with the sister than Amy ultimately was.

Exactly. Never gonna happen. Not only would the humiliation be an effective deterrent, but Dan would never let her live it down.

No fucking way. Why would she? From a character standpoint I mean. Yes it'd bring her back to DC, but Amy couldn't make it through a single date with Jonah let alone commit to the relationship. That plotline would make no sense for her character or her established relationship with Jonah. There are better, more

I think she joked about it with Charlie Baird last season, though she said it was just a Smith joke. It's possible that she did have a fling, and it's possible that she was kidding in an attempt to be flirty with Charlie. Neither would surprise me.

I rarely watch live TV, but cannot escape the Verizon commercials. They pop up a lot if you watch anything from a network's mobile/roku apps.

All of the raunch is verbal. There are some pretty blue jokes and a lot of swearing, but that's as raunchy as it gets. There's no nudity and no sex, with the exception of a brief horse breeding scene in season 3. So basically, it's far from clean comedy but it's also fairly tame by HBO standards.

Definitely too young. I mean, I'm sure Jones will turn in a good performance, but in the book Nancy was described as elderly looking.

I miss the White House already! Not so much the Washington politics, but just having the cast together.

She may still have that money and just be unwilling to use it for her Meyer Fund. It wouldn't surprise me if Selina were stingy with her own money and free-spending with everyone else's.

When we last left her she was working for President Montez. I'm guessing we probably won't see her again until Selina has a reason to go to the White House. Maybe a natural disaster will occur and Montez will tap Selina to head a disaster relief campaign or something.

I wouldn't worry. I can't imagine Amy making it to the altar.