
I couldn't agree more with this. I found pre-Jonah Richard a little annoying, but post-Jonah Richard became one of my favorite Veep characters. I think his character just really needs a good foil to shine, but he wasn't set up as a foil to Selina in his first introduction.

I don't buy this explanation. There's no way a businesswoman in a high position at a major corporation doesn't have existing head shots on file. I mean, she and Ward have been more or less running the company for a few years. There's no way that she hadn't sat for professional portraits before now.

If his fighting skills were the only issue, I'm be more lenient on him but I wasn't wild about the acting performance he turned in either. I could forgive the actor playing Danny bad fighting skills or lackluster acting chops, but I can't forgive both at the same time. Jones did nothing to convince me that he was

We never actually see David Wenham in that scene, or see Ward ID the body before it goes in the furnace. For all we know Harold's revived himself and replaced his body with another corpse.

Bonus points if this occurs during an episode RZA directs.

Danny was home schooled. I could definitely see private school kids into rap and hip hop, as that's not unusual in the slightest, but Danny seems like he didn't know any kids his age apart from Joy and Ward. I suppose it's possible that they were in to rap in their tween years, but for some reason I can't see it.

Or maybe Finn Jones will be able to put a lot more work into learning martial arts before the next time he's in Iron Fist. Either one I'd be happy with.

Narratively I'm sure that's true, but the wildly superior skills of Sacha Dhawan over Finn Jones make that a hard plot point to swallow. I can never and will never be able to buy Danny Rand as better fighter than nearly anyone in the series.

I think it's likely Colleen never knew. Maybe all of the dojo owners, doctors, teachers, etc. the hand sends out of their little school are never made privy to the dark underbelly, while a select few like that student are groomed to enter the upper ranks of the Hand.

That scene was the only scene where I actually felt their pairing. At every other point in the series I felt like hissing at Colleen to snap out of this, because she can do better.

Good point. They probably could have improved the show if Davos had entered the story carrying the knowledge that K'un Lun had been attacked in Danny's absence..

I totally agree. It achieved what Daredevil was never able to do for me. For as much as Matt & Co. wax poetically about Hell's Kitchen, it never felt like the fully realized community that they made it out to be. Harlem felt much more vibrant and real.

This is true, though China isn't one of the countries we have those kinds of agreements with, You need a visa to enter China, even as a tourist.

Is 15 a bunch of people though? We don't even know if it counts as a real cluster. Without knowing where this plant is located, we can't really know how densely populated that area is. There are lots places in the tri-state area that are densely populated enough that 15 people being diagnosed with cancer in the

Your disagreement has some pretty big errors in it. First of all Danny did not kill Harold, Ward did. He shot him multiple times in order to save Danny. Second, Joy already has her job back. She successfully got the board to vote to reinstate her and her brother after whatshisface was murdered. That's why Ward is

I didn't think that that was what she was doing. I mean yes, I think it's safe that everything Gao does is for Gao's own purposes but I did not and do not think she cared if Danny gained his healing skills nor do I think she really wanted Colleen to die. I don't think she sees either of them as particularly

Yes It is. While that might be an interesting story to tell, it made no sense for Joy to be in that place at the end of the season. You can't just write in plot twists that you think might be fun without laying down the character framework to support it first. That shows a gross amount of disrespect for your

You're not alone, though I got pretty pissed about where Joy ended up at the end of the season. It was weird for the season to end with Ward and Danny on pretty good terms while Joy seemed poised to become his enemy. Especially since that plot twist was completely unearned. It negates everything we know about her

I've never seen it in person, but I've definitely seen real, live people with this style. Again, see: Eric and Donald Jr. http://d3i6fh83elv35t.cloud…

"That many cancer cases clustered around their plant can't just be a coincidence."