
IMO the forced connection to Luke Cage's past was even worse than the scenery chewing. It was way way way too convenient and just poorly written. If both Luke and DB had both been born in Harlem (or at least in NY state) it might have worked a little better, but I just could not suspend my disbelief enough that two

In the episode you mention, Gao manages to dole out incredibly useful life advice to Claire, Danny, and Colleen AND accurately warn Danny that he was walking into a trap. Gao may be a evil, but characters should listen when she speaks. 9/10 what she's saying is completely true and failing to listen to her often

I generally agree, but that face-hammering scene was the single worst scene I can recall in any of the Marvel Netflix series. I don't remember that level of gore in either season on Dardevil. Yes, there was plenty of blood, but never to the point where I felt physically uncomfortable viewing it. I was gagging along

Why would they make her Hellcat when Trish/Patsy Walker is already a part of the Marvel/Netflix universe? They're clearly setting her up to become Hellcat.

I buy into this theory as I've thought since the pilot that Ward is a dead-ringer for Donald Jr. They have that same creepy, slicked back dark hair.

No, that future episode said she was 12 in the last summer before Harold "died." She also said that Harold got sick a year or so after the Rands' aircraft went missing. So she was likely 10-11 when Danny "died."

She's been one of my favorite characters in the Netflix side of the MCU since the very beginning. I was delighted to see her play a bigger part in Iron Fist. It's one of the series's few saving graces.

Madame Gao is pretty honest as far as villains go. Her MO seems to be that she manipulates people using the truth, or at least some edited version of it.

I had the same though re:Colleen's students. You do not teach students stalking and ambushing techniques as part of a self defense class and it was very strange to hear her say that such tests were supposed to prepare them for the real world. Unless Colleen has a class that's meant to train wannabe vigilantes and/or

Will it? When? I've watched through episode 8 and I still find that scene inexplicable.

I love a good scene-chewing baddie, but I agree that Diamondback was awful and really was a drag on Luke Cage. Not every series is suitable for a Scene Chewer, and Diamondback felt like he was acting on a different series than everyone else.

I'm not sure if the show wanted us to see the Meachams as unreasonable, but they set them up as antagonists. It's just a weird dynamic to begin a show where the antagonists (even if they're only temporary antagonists) are the more reasonable parties.

Protagonists can be flawed when their flaws make them compelling, but I'm 6 episodes in and have yet to find Danny all that compelling.

Because he's the protagonist? And because wanting to reclaim your identity is a legit goal that you can usually expect the viewer to be sympathetic toward.

I completely agree. Honestly, I found myself asking why I was supposed to be siding with Danny several times over the course of the episode. I know the Meachams are assholes, but Danny broke into their offices, Ward's car, and Joy's home. It would be weirder if they hadn't treated him like a crazy, dangerous

I'm sorry but this is a jackass thing to say. Those of us disappointed with Kurtwell's fate are not just missing something. We're disappointed that even in the fantasy world of the Young Pope, abuser priests are treated as if their crimes were mere misdemeanors (Kurtwell got the same punishment as a guy whose poor

Usually the location isn't so remote. Yes, moving Kurtwell to a new parish is what the real world church would do, but Lenny literally prayed someone to death a week ago so I was hoping for more.

I was glad Guitierrez was revealed to be gay, and that it was presented as a positive thing that is separate from pedophila, because I was a little alarmed by the fact that the only "crimes" they found hard evidence for for Kurtwell were that he had had consensual affairs with adults. While his relationship with the

I wish he had done more to Kurtwell than banish him to Alaska. What did the children of Ketchikan do to deserve this?

You're right, that was very heteronormative of me to make the assumption!