
I kind of see the overabundance of "firsts" on the show merely as mild exaggerations to get the kids psyched up for competition. Its part of the show's charm to see the kids all so excited, and I'm sure they need to keep that momentum going so they don't get bored. Also gives the individual children things to talk and

HAHA well, whoops! My bad then. I apologize for that. Sometimes I skim articles and don't read/miss things. Bad flaw, I know!

I figured that was the case. Maybe it's because I've done journalistic endeavors before, but I understand there's editing to be done and to include every single band would be a massively long piece. And in this day and age of everyone going "TL;DR", keeping it to the point is the best bet. Kudos to your excellent

Agreed 100% on that.

Hah, I didn't mean them specifically, I meant the category of bands they influenced and are often lumped under. I know Lifetime has some really short songs ("Boys No Good", etc). Just a generalization, that's all.

Excellent article and a very good history lesson in Pop Punk 101.

My reasoning as to why NFG wasn't mentioned here is because I feel that them, Saves The Day, and ultimately beginning maybe with Lifetime launched another style of pop punk that's different from the one talked about here.

u mad?