
"But it's Max Adler and he was on Glee!"

The Bay not telling Emmett, but telling Tank is super confusing. Like you say, Bay has ALWAYS gone to Emmett when she's been scared, confused, or upset. When they were together and when they weren't. But now she's going to confide in Tank? Who she didn't share stuff with when they were a couple? Makes no sense.

I agree about Emmett. Nothing more about his reaction or excitement about getting into Galludet? Maybe he and Bay could have talked about that instead of more of Tank's pain. They mentioned earlier in the season about visiting each other when they were both on the east coast, but since Bay isn't going to Pratt, how

What exactly is the concrete concern is Daphne reacting to if you don't mind my asking? The use of "concrete" implies tangible or physical that she is dealing with that is prompting her behavior. What is that exactly?

This is exactly how I feel about the situation. It's amazing how Bay has a different set of rules and standards applied to her than Daphne. I mean, they both lost the same father, but somehow Daphne is the only one whose questionable actions are excused for some people due to her grief. Yeah Bay was wrong to lash

He should have been Toby's friend to begin with and had no connection to Bay and maybe the whole thing wouldn't feel so forced to me.

They were on fire with the stupid hashtags tonight weren't they?

"There really is no reason for Tank to be on the show anymore"

If that first one turns out to be true, it's going to be AWFUL . . .

Bay and Daphne were fine by the end of the episode, no? I think Daphne understood that Bay was just lashing out in the moment due to her stress and grief. Daphne was leaning on Bay and Bay had her arm around Daphne as Angelo's mother said goodbye so I don't think either of them will be holding anything against the

It's probably going to be the kid from the community center who she confronted about Regina. What was his name, Nacho?

It was totally cheesy, but I loved that moment when it's implied that Emmett was the one walking in. And Bay's smile when she saw him there? OTP indeed . . . and they didn't even need the obnoxious hashtag to remind anyone that they are the OTP.

I'm a high school teacher who has actually proctored the SAT and many other high stakes testing required by the state and that whole scene with Daphne had me cringing. I know it was for the DRAMA, but Daphne's phone NEVER would have just been sitting on the desk like that. It would have had to have been turned OFF

I don't really count last summer because Bay didn't spend the whole summer with Regina and Angelo. She spent the whole summer with Ty. The real reason behind the decision of the writers to have Bay move with Angelo and Regina was to give Bay the freedom to have sex with Ty. And the whole reason she needed to have

You must have not watched all the clips for next week as Toby does appear in one of them alive and well. It's the one with Regina and Daphne. Toby comes in at the end.

I found the Bay/Toby/John/Kathryn adventure and bonding much more interesting than the Daphne/Angelo stuff. It was just not subtle at all where the Daphne/Angelo stuff was headed. It would have been better if it was more gradual over the past three seasons and not jammed in four episodes, mostly this one. It was