Sam Miller

Sometimes I think about how much casting affects this show. Not just in terms of talent, but also the other queens one interacts with. For example, Bianca obviously deserved to win her season for a variety of reasons, but think how different Season 6 and her win would have been if Adore hadn't been around.

This episode was definitely better than a C.
Peppermint did a great job and deserved to be in the top 3, but I still think Shea or Sasha should have won. I wonder if the placement had been different, if the result would have been the same. Peppermint was surrounded by bad and second to last.

Team Flash: "Oh no, getting rid of Barry's memories means we don't have the Flash and Wally lost his powers. We need a superhero."
No One: "We should call our good friend and Wally's girlfriend, Jessie Quick. Also, Cisco can help her out if needed."

Yeah I enjoyed this episode a lot!
I just learned that Scandal is ending next season, so that Quinn spin off sounds even more appealing.

Now that's a good episode of Grey's! Love it!
All of the storylines were interesting. However, while I was thoroughly engaged about what Alex might do, I did not understand why exactly he was there to begin with.

" It’s somewhat odd to see parents on this show considering how much it has divorced itself from any of the characters’ family members, but it was sweet."
Yeah, I actually kinda forgot about that whole plot line from the first season. I love the show now with where we are at and the characters we have, but I think I

Minor thing: Jane as Carrie and Xo as Samantha obviously makes sense.

I loved the shout out to "I couldn't help but wonder" since that's such SATC infamy now. Like that nailed it on the head for me!

95% of reviews on AV Club "could use another run through spell check."

"his song was cheerful where it should have been menacing."
I totally agree. The song and singing were pretty good, but the tone of it just seemed very strange and off. It needed more evilness.

Underdog is definitely a better description that I had for those queens and an accurate description of their arc. I totally agree that our underdogs are pretty much everyone else who doesn't seem likely to win.

Interesting view point. Hadn't thought of it that way, but I can kinda see where you're coming from.

That's definitely true. I feel like Nina's win at the beginning helped her and her original looks. Aja has never really shined.

I agree with that. I think Trinity has a good shot at making Top 3. I just don't think she'll win.

I feel like Trinity is kind of like Detox. Incredibly strong drag queen who knows how to serve it and will have a great career, but something about the personality just lacks that IT FACTOR to win the competition. There's several queens like this throughout the show's history, usually they make well earned appearances

So I know not every queen can be easily classified, but I feel like they can usually at least make sense in a big category. I don't want to say that's all they are, but rather what they are best known for.
I'd say the majority of winners have been well rounded, but especially strong in one area.
- Raja and Violet as

Yeah Aja's make up journey makes no sense to me. Like all of a sudden it improved a lot. I feel like one or more of the other queen's had to help her. I'd be very curious to know who and why it wasn't shown. That edit of helping other queens can do a lot towards a win.

SERIOUSLY?! Nina stayed? Why? And how? I'm not a huge fan of either of them and had been waiting for both to be eliminated, but I feel like the were about equal in the acting challenge. I thought Aja had a really strong look on the runway and it looked great, much better than Nina's.
And finally that lip sync. Nina did

UGK this episode.
Happy they killed Paeus and Samantha, but ugh was it annoying. I kinda hoped they'd at least get a small piece of information about the larger organization. Instead all they did was stop the immediate threat and kill the immediate problem

I miss Teddy so much. I always felt like she was a strong player. I think they should bring the character back. We already have two heart surgeons, but she could just guest star for an episode or two.