Sam Miller

I actually enjoyed this episode.
I know Minnick is the worst, but having someone be a "villain" of sorts to stir the pot actually helps to create drama and make our faves stand out as a good guy. Alex standing up for kids works cuz he's going against someone. It's drama.
The same way people hated Callie's girlfriend

I was kinda expecting a typical "this is for your own good" situation where Daisy would knock Mac out and force him to go through the portal and then eventually, in the real world, Mac would still be pissed about it.
It's a pretty typical and unoriginal move, but it works. I still don't get why Daisy let him stay.

I gotta say, we've been giving well deserved props to all the regular, but the actress who plays Aida has been doing a damn good job as well.
Especially considering she's played robot Aida, actual original person Agnes, and now human Aida in the real world, in addition to Ophelia and Agnes in the Framework.
Excited for

I liked him more before he joined Team Flash. He helped establish the police/forensics side of Barry's life.
Even some of his forays into Team Flash have been effective. I just don't like him as a regular member. He doesn't seem necessary to the team. It's the same way Iris kinda just stands around.
I feel like H.R.

I really enjoyed the episode, but especially the ending.

Did anyone else notice how few lines Iris got this episode?
Like they keep panning to her and showing her face, but not have her say anything. SERIOUSLY? They have absolutely no idea what to do with her.
I will say though, that sound & expression from Iris when HR tells her to focus was hilarious

When Barry runs at normal speed instead of super speed while at CCU after Caitlyn leaves for no reason . . .

"Danny, let’s let the ladies catch up. Where are you from? Who are your enemies?”
This line made me crack up. So simple but so funny.

I just remembered how once upon a time we had a plot line about Emma's friend/foster sister reuniting with her mother, the Dragon/witch from sleeping beauty, and then we just completely ignored all that. lol.

So just the act of being Killer Frost makes Kaitlyn hate all her friends and the good guys. Regardless of what they do. Earth 2 Kaitlyn listened to Zoom (kind of, I think?) and was with (evil) Ronnie. And we know she teams up with Savitar. So she's fine with the bad guys. Yet, even with Savitar she had to see who it

This episode was so bad. I literally asked myself what the hell was going on multiple times.
The sad part is that in theory this episode could have at least been decent getting everything out on the table with everyone around. Instead, it was just plain awful.
Papa Pope was given far too much screen time.
He was also

I loved Peppermint's lip sync. She got skills. Entertaining as hell, especially compared to the other performances we've gotten this season.

The thing is that I briefly understood where Maggie was coming from at one point because she seems angry at being lied to/ Meredith not telling her what's going on.
If they had focused on just that and made it a one episode storyline of anger then resolved it, I would have been fine.

I didn't think Aja's performance was good enough. I thought it was played out and her runway was boring.
I mean Farrah didn't do a good job on Snatch Game, but honestly it was barely worse than Aja's. Plus, Farrah's Runway was far superior!
Farrah deserves to go home, but she's still far superior to Aja, who has long

I know that "Ravi is the best," but I just love Major.
I literally would watch a half hour sitcom with the exact same character and same life.
If Major and Ravi just wanted to get into hi-jinx all the time, I'd be here for it.

I think the memory loss *was* 100% real. However, after taking the serum, I do think there is a chance he is faking now.

All of these questions about memory loss make me more inquisitive about the reality. Like what is the personality of someone who has this type of memory loss? I guess part of it depends where you come down on nature v nurture. But I think most people say both play a role. So does that mean your personality is all

"Fabian lacks the fullness of character"
I think the Reviewer's points were all fair for this episode, but I also got the impression that this character would be developed more over time. After all, it's only his second episode and his first real one as a player. He did say he was originally a stunt double, so I get

I mean if Portia was gonna leave the show, that's at least an effective exit. She's been around long enough that her death was able to not be overly emotional and big, but still moving. The fact that it was her, and it was so violent, does a lot to establish how big and bad our villains are. I'm hoping we get to learn

I felt like this episode revealed a lot about strengths and weaknesses within the Queens and gave us a good indication of where the queens are going forward.
Cynthia was smart to remove that outfit for the lip sync, but those undergarments just felt strange to see for the song. I wish she would have found something to