Sam Miller

No mention of "That better be tartar sauce"
What a cringey and LOL line.

haha I feel ya. That happens to be frequent in my writing style. I've been known to add a BTW, a PS, and a BTW on a PS along with several sections in parenthesis for other points. I'm kind of the worst.

Also, I know Marnie was being her typical self in a lot of ways, but I really didn't hate her this episode. She actually admitted she had nothing else going on, which goes a long way. And she was being a huge help to Hannah. Like honestly, just having someone there to watch the baby long enough to get some sleep seems

This was a good episode with a lot of strong points. But as a series finale, I don't love it. It seems more like a spin off set-up. Where Girls played off Sex and the City, the next step would be Girl's version of Full House or something. We let go of those other characters and this is who we have now with one or two

For anyone interested, here's a YouTube link.
It's the Runway with commentary from the girls and judges.
Not in the episode, but at least we can still watch it

It doesn't relate to this episode at all, but I thought of it because of one of the threads here.
I know Arizona is absent in the beginning of the season because she was visiting her daughter.

I don't think the other sister lives in Seattle. I think the other sister's husband is in the military and they live kinda far away. But I think when she was on the show, she was having a kid. So not only does Meredith have another sister, she has a niece/nephew and her kid's have cousins.

I'm be happy to have Maggie leave the show and she can be annoying, but I don't think she's kill her off annoying. It'd be weirder now that they killed her Mom off, but I'd just want her to go back to wherever her family lives. She could guest star here and there and that's it.

I really enjoyed this episode as well.

And yeah that lip sync performance was incredibly annoying and pissed me off. I really like Charlie. She hasn't been very strong this season as a player, but (in my opinion) she has had consistent looks that I always enjoy! And her looks are frequently better than the other girls.
She's not fashionable in High Fashion

Seriously such a disappointing episode! I don't watch these live on VH1, but there's no one whatever comes after it is that important. The timing all season has been so significantly off.
All the ways are mentioned by the reviewer and it bothered me, but that Runway was so fast I could barely catch a glimpse of those

I agree with the review for the most part! This episode was entirely pointless, but boy was it fun! I'm glad the writers went all the way with it and were completely ridiculous! Especially with some of those romantic pairings!
- I think Marcus got played up just a little too much though.
- I would have preferred his

Also, what's up with Liv and Major as a couple? Can someone refresh my memory.
I know she was dating what's his face who died in the Season 2 finale, going full Zombie mode. But, I don't remember how Liv and Major were last left as a couple. Like do either of them have lingering feelings or are they over each other?

I was really wanting a mini argument over whether Ravi was Liv's best friend of Major's best friend.

What if the Defenders doesn't actually involve Danny being a superhero as the Iron Fist and what he's actually doing is just being a generous benefactor and funds everything. Like cool costumes and a super cool lair. Like that's it, that's Danny's entire role in the show. He just pays for everything.
Then he makes a

What a nice episode. I laughed and enjoyed it.

God dammit! We all take about the editing with this show and the way the show can play with you. Admittedly, this episode changed my mind on quite a few queens.
I had Trinity pegged as decent talent, but mostly bitchy and assumed she'd get cocky and get an elimination within an early episode cuz of a weak spot. She's

I like DeLuca too! I think he just frequently gets stuck with other characters that bring him down. (Read: Maggie & Jo)

Why does Grey's have to play the exact same "step forward, step back" game with literally every single romance. Honestly, I'm so tired of Grey's and Riggs almost getting somewhere and then not.
I'm not saying the show has to smash them together in happiness, but damn give them some actual drama for dating or a

Let's throw it way back. No one quite compares to Lucy on I Love Lucy.
By no one, I mean in history, not just on that show.