Sam Miller

Veronica was always the best part of Veronica Mars.

Agreed. I came into a conversation once in a class where somehow the conversation shifted to Buffy (the show) and everyone was on board and then one girl said "It's like how Buffy is the least interesting character on the show." I was so aghast at the comment, I just stayed silent.
Not to discount other characters, but

So, I'm kinda weird and pay too much attention to the grades on episodes.
So I decided to get the GPAs so to speak for each of these 4 Netflix shows.

That was a damn good season finale. It's nice having a season finale or two like this in a show where things get wrapped up nicely. That being said. I think the show has hit it's stride and still has more stories to tell. Their biggest challenge is of course having Nick and Jess together and making it work this time.

haha so true. In theory, I'd love to have her around for a whole season. But in reality, it'd be better if she just popped up for 2 or 3 episodes.

I'm glad Sara didn't change reality to bring Laurel back, but honestly I wouldn't hate it if they plucked Laurel out of the timeline to be on Legends for a while. I think it'd be a fun dynamic.

I'm just so happy this show is back! It's been far too long!
I really hope next season gets a Fall premiere. Wait, I just remembered that I still have to hope the show gets renewed for a next season.
*screams "Rob Thomas shows deserve more seasons" at Network execs*

I feel like the “Adam and Jessa make a movie” storyline is a way for Hannah to watch this movie in the finale and reflect on her life and how much she's grown/changed.

You're right. The Office is a great example of the main romantic relationship being the best one.
In that way, I would probably say Leslie and Ben from Parks and Rec are pretty damn amazing as well.

I mean are there any love shows where we just get a happy couple? Like obviously there has to be drama, but Chandler and Monica; Schmidt and Cece; and Marshall and Lilly all had drama. It was just a different kind and there love story still stayed in tact.
The only love stories I can think of that would be similar to

The funny this is that most of these Rom-situational Coms tell a much better love story with the not main couple. (At least in my opinion). Ross and Rachel were clearly the big romantic love story of friends, but Chandler and Monica told a broader love story that wasn't just a longer version of a movie get together.

Yeah, I didn't find him to actually be all that creepy. It was just a little bit in the way I think a lot of guys can be, but that's mellow enough to get written off. Like the comment about women sweating to Bonnie.
But as a TV watcher, I thought that subtlety could be hints towards the big reveal.
Complex is certainly

After Jane mentioned not remembering what her rapist looked like, just his smell, I kept expecting that reveal to involve smell. This still makes sense that seeing him would bring it back, I just thought it was going to come into play.
Perry and Ed were my top guesses for the rapist. There was a scene when Ed walks by

I agree about Cynthia, but I'm also just not convinced she has the talent. I wouldn't be surprised to see her in Snatch game, but it's also hard for me to imagine her really going that far.

So I feel like Snatch Game is usually 8 or 9 queens, and I feel like trimming away several and getting a few weeks in will put us in a good place as well.
Honestly there's just too many queens for me right now.
So anyone have ideas for their Top 8/9?

My best guess is that both queens sucked at that lip sync and could have both gone home. Jaymes did better, but it wasn't amazing or anything.
I think Ru just figured Kimora might have more to show, while Jaymes has seemed not ready this entire time. I realize 2 episodes isn't much, but she hasn't once seemed

I gave Drag Race the benefit of the doubt last week for having to handle both introductions and Gaga, but yeah the format this week still isn't quite pulling it off. It's definitely an editing issue and maybe the show just needed to be longer at least when there's this many queens around.

"both of those stories are absolutely true, by the way"

Remember how each episode of this show use to have a mini scandal and it'd get "handled," all the while building up a season long arg of a Major Scandal.

I remember when I was younger, I thought it would be the coolest idea ever to tell a story all centered around one plot but varying from each character's point of view.
This has been done in numerous TV shows and movies, but as a kid I hadn't seen it and I thought it'd be so cool to get all those perspectives and