Sam Miller

"Buffy The Vampire Slayer references"
Welp I'm ashamed. I missed the references, what were they?

"Then he has the emotional challenge of battling the Bride Of Nine Spiders, a sexy sexpot with the
So I just looked it up. I guess Scott Buck is the creator of this show.
This is from his Wikipedia page: "For season six of Dexter, after the previous show runners left the series, Buck was promoted to showrunner

I don't think most millennials are watching any Late Night shows in ways that Nielsen would count. I think most of us watch online via Youtube clips. Personally I just watch highlights from whoever looks best.
Best of the Click Bait titles for interviews and segments, regardless of who the host is.
Then probably Colbert

"“He punched through solid metal with his bare hands.” “His hands? Are you sure it wasn’t his fist?” “Why do you have to be so goddamn literal about everything? That’s clearly what I meant.”"

Reading through the reviews I seem to be alone in this opinion.

"It’s one thing to appreciate a cultural you’ve spent a lot of time in, it’s another to be super performative about that appreciation. Danny’s Buddhist shrine for Joy felt insanely over the top, even if it was quite pretty."
Eh I don't quite agree with this. Especially with the added caption on the photo. Danny didn't

A good episode, no Rumple around. Coincidence? I think not.

I kept thinking that Perry is gonna find out about Celeste's therapy sessions. Most likely in some monetary form. Like hey where is this money going or maybe they get an invoice mailed to them or a secretary says something about a previous appt, etc.

Thank you for explaining. That makes a lot of sense and gives me some perspective =)

the only way I kinda see it working, is that it would be such a Marnie thing to talk about how a random encounter with a pawn shop owner changed her life. Like she would brag about it a ton. I wouldn't be surprised if she would rehearse how the story would go in preparation for interviews about her music career.

"Anyone else wonder if it’s intentional that the Legion of Doom consists mostly of middle aged white man?"
It's intentional in the sense that a lot of the big villains in the Arrowverse have been middle aged white men. Our only other big villains are the yet to be revealed Savitar on Flash. Then on Arrow: Ra's Al Ghul

Maybe I'm naive, but I have a hard time believing they would assign Gaga looks. Just for the simple reason that different looks would make such a difference on different girls, i.e. Eureka could not have done the look that Aja did. Also, the Queens always have such different budgets and certain looks need bigger

I'm fine with it being on VH1. (I hope Logo dies die off, but just looking at Drag Race, I think its good for the show)
However, I'm really not a fan of it being on Friday nights. I think it was a big mistake. I think it would have stronger viewings on a different day and benefit the bars more on a different day.

I think this episode seemed strange to so many people for a few reasons.
As mentioned, normal length.
But the other main factors are a lot of queens, which the show doesn't always have.
And Gaga with a ton of screen time for her.
I think it was smart to not send anyone home this episode for the very reason, that we

"the tricky silhouette of the gown"
Why was it tricky? I didn't get why they made such a big deal out of it. Don't get me wrong, she nailed the look and looked glamorous, but it didn't look like anything super out of the ordinary. It seemed like a normal glamorous gown to me.

I actually liked this episode, at least more than the last few. We actually got multiple story arcs with people I cared about. Like Avery and Kepner are fine, but I didn't want a whole episode of them. I feel like I'm just happy to get a Meredith story these days. But yeah its a little annoying that its this same

So true. They need to just come up with a way to merge Earth 2 Iris and Earth 1 Iris. That way we don't have to deal with any "Real Iris is gone" bullshit, but still get all the delight that is Earth 2 Iris. Plus, she'd have something to do other than stand around at Star Labs and evidently be a reporter (even though

"logistically untenable" What? Nah! Don't you destroy my dreams.
Less about Barry and Kara (although I'm for it) and more about the shows.
I'm holding out hope that the CW DC verse is going to all merge together in several years. Free the side characters to a few deaths and mostly happy endings. And come together to

Idk, I've always found it reasonable for Rogelio to want to raise a kid. His emotions towards not being around for Jane have always come through strongly. So that's a sincere desire. He also has that superficial idea of superiority, so I can believe him wanting a kid was also a narcissistic desire to have a mini

So they are gonna get rid of Snow, Charming, and Henry (who admittedly are quite predictable) and keep Gold? Why. Don't get me wrong, his character can be amusing, especially in the Flashbacks. But they've gone about as far as they can with him. He needs to disappear until the last like 3 episodes of the Series. He's