Sam Miller

By seasons end, we will actually have watched 10 solid seasons of Oliver Queen (5 via flashback and 5 in real time) and that doesn't even take into account the few pre-Island flashbacks. like damn. That's kinda crazy. Obviously the episodes are meant to be the way they are, but I always kind of wonder what it would be

I've never thought of Trent as creepy. What Rebecca is to Josh, Trent is to Rebecca. So definitely very intense and a little crazy, but not creepy. Idk he and Rebecca always seem to get along really well and mesh well together too.
Who knows how many seasons this show can pull off? But I feel like if it was given a

Who was asking for this?
Like I'm not angry about it but I'm not overjoyed either. Very meh announcement

Great episode over all. Supergirl continues to prove itself!

Oh yeah, I actually knew of most of these, just forgot. Thanks for the refresher :)

Brief sidebar: Maybe I'm just not in the circles to see these things, but I feel like way more things get described as "GIF-worthy" than I actually ever see gifs of. It happens in reviews and youtube videos and talk show interviews and I swear I never see any actual gifs created from those moments. Rant over.

Are Chris Evans and Ryan Reynolds the only two actors to play two different superheroes? Or are there others? Just thought of this

I'm glad Raven defended herself on the After the Rose special. It was definitely edited to make her seem naive and not as deep or serious. So I'm glad she spoke up about that not being the case. Although, it's probably equally plausible Nick and Vanessa had more fun than those conversations we saw (even tho neither

I've seen a few things talking about that fight between her and Rachel. I wish we could've seen it. Would have been interesting to see that side of both of those women.

I was having a conversation with some friends recently. We were talking about casting your friend group into the roles on Girls. It's such a common thing to do with the Sex and the City ladies and sometimes there's mash ups, but you can usually figure it out.
With Girls though, it's so much harder. I think it's

The speech Xander makes to Dawn in Season 7 will always be one of my favorites.

I originally watched that episode as a little kid and I don't remember which rewatch I caught all of that meaning, but when I did I was like OH SHIT, This is dirty! lmao.

So Meredith and Riggs are starting to almost possibly be back on as a thing again? Seriously though it's been like 5 episodes since their storyline has been addressed. I know Grey's draws things out and doesn't want to rush things, but damn.

I hadn't read the interviews, so I didn't know about Alaric crossing over. That's a weird fit for me to imagine. I'm excited to see that though. I hope we get some cameos from Caroline over there as well. I'm interested to see how that all works out. If those kids weren't around it would be easier, but that

I always sort of preferred Stefan, so I know I'm biased. But I've always hated this fan idea (often motivated by who they wanted Elena with) that one brother was way worse than the other. Honestly, they're pretty equal in terms of level of bad. It seemed like the only reason Damon got to live was because he was

I've always liked the title. Reading about how insistent Joss was about it, rather than something like "Slayer." It really does make sense to name the show that. Of course as a kid, and even a bit as an adult, it can be a weird title to say to people. But I think that title really captures the show.

Alias was such a bad ass show. I know it had it's issues, but I rarely see it get the recognition it deserves. That was addictive television.

I think Buffy ended with a great Series finale. It had some things I didn't like, but I would still say it was damn good. "Are you ready to be strong" is still one of my favorite speeches from the show.

This episode was at least half decent compared to what Scandal is these days. I'm glad they are introducing a new villain of sorts (whoever that lady is), but I just don't get why they had to connect it to Papa Pope. Like I know some people get annoyed by it, but I actually like that actor. I'm just so over spending

Yeah, it keeps seeming like it's Wally to me. Especially in terms of how "personal" Savitar claims things to be.