Sam Miller

I wonder when was the last time a Red Head made it far in the Bachelor?

Honestly if this happened I would forgive Looking being cancelled.

This episode was kinda weird, but it also seemed like it had to tie up things from the first half of the season still. Hopefully things will feel a bit more fresh next week. This show gets ridiculous, but I'm still here for it and happy to see it back on.

"How did Regina write that note so quickly? Magic?" Honestly, I was surprised she eve slipped away in those few seconds, so writing the note just seemed crazy. I answered "with magic" as well for how she wrote the note. But like damn, how did she even think the note that fast. It was quick.

I'm so ready for this. I've been a Buffy fan since I was 8 or 9 and discovered the reruns on FX after school.
Part of me misses the days when my little FanBoy self would go to Barnes n Noble to check out the new Buffy/Angel magazines. Like I'm still kinda in awe that there was magazines.
Forever my all time favorite

I'm with everyone else, this episode was so lackluster. And to be honest, I feel like the big general framework of the episode isn't even bad. Like if you summarized a few of the major things this episode has/would do, then it works. But the execution is just bad on so many fronts. Time spent on things that don't

I was kind of confused with the descriptions of Vigilante's visor. It seemed like they were saying there was some sort of technology as part of his suit? idk, I wasn't fully following. If that was the case though, I thought maybe it was more of the suit doing the work rather than actual power from the person, which

It's been a while since we've seen the Waitress. It'd be nice to get a cameo of some sort.

I'm not sure if it's just me, but "street rat" combined with some parkour while escaping a merchant he just stole bread from evokes some serious Aladdin vibes. And then the phrase is mentioned again at the end of the episode. I was kind of hoping for a greater relationship.
Then again there was a few Disney

Things are almost too good on New Girl right now. Has the show been renewed yet? Because this season has done a lot of paving for a series finale.
I really hope we have several seasons left. The show has been great this season!!

"I liked Eliza pumping the brakes on Jeremiah’s attempt to pick up their marriage where they left off"

I like that Susan just flat out asked Oliver about being the Green Arrow. Originally it seemed like she was just using him for the story, but being that explicit makes me wonder if she was generally into him romantically. Cuz if she was just being a reporter, I feel like she would have been more agreeable and done

"It can sometimes be frustrating when a show is a little too obvious about who the protagonist is"

I really liked this episode and that finale shot was a perfect ending.

"I’m not certain it makes any actual sense and I’m not certain that I understand any of the actual plot or story mechanics that are allowing this to happen, but it doesn’t matter."
SAME. It makes no sense to me whatsoever, but I'm like what the hell. The show is ending and this will be a damn good treat. Kinda was

I thought the first episode of the finale was amazing, but yeah the second episode was a bit unimpressive for me.
Overall though, it was still great! And a damn good season.
Although for next season we have:
Bonnie - usual
Frank - mostly usual, maybe a bit more serving
Annalise - usual, just a bit more broken
Asher &

Yeah this episode was more of an A- for me.

Wow do I disagree with the reviewer.
Mon-El definitely gets macho and overreacts. But I don't think Kara was completely in the right either. I mean obviously more right than Mon-El but I don't think she was acting as her best self either. Mon-El acted very in character and predictably based on who we've seen he is. Us

Yeah they do, J'onn talks to Winn on occasion about work related things. And Winn and James talk pretty frequently. Also Mon-El gets in there from time to time.

I just realized, that at this point our central villain is Aida. Like very clearly just Aida no one else. And she works for me as a villain. Her motivations are clear, she has a back story, and she's properly villainous.
I don't know if robot is necessarily the most challenging acting gig, but I gotta say that the