Sam Miller

"Saving the world doesn’t always have to be a grim chore, does it?"

Does anyone know what the format of the show is going to be?
Obviously most books turned movies are 1 Book = 1 Movie, occasionally 2.

It was interesting how much tension was built with the use of the two male characters. The one Yorkie keeps seeing in the arcade and the one Kelly slept with. I kept thinking one of them was going to turn out to be the bad guy for a good portion of the episode.

Honestly, I don't really expect "shout-outs from Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D" anymore. It's been made pretty clear that the MCU films aren't going to do anything to work in collaboration or acknowledgement of any TV shows. So I don't really expect AoS to bother wasting time with the movies either.

This claim also believes that X will continuously satisfy Y. I'm not sure there's really any basis for that. Is any person happy reading one book? Watching only one TV show? Does any person have one porno and never watch anything else? Obviously there's more than one, but it still remains that there's a limit.

I keep thinking about the fact that the hackers allowed Kenny and Harold decide who is robber and who is driver?
I keep thinking that the whole point of the bank robbery and even the murder was to A. highlight that Kenny was awful all along and willing to do these things (maybe) and B. more importantly, increase the

Did anyone catch what it was the cake delivery guy did? I couldn't quite hear/figure it out.

Ya know seeing all of the shows together and the type of representation there is, I couldn't help thinking what each of the shows has done. I think Arrow has probably done the best job (in large part because of Flashbacks) in employing a variety of actors from different ethnicities and representation of minorities.

What was the nod to Ray's cousin? I didn't catch the reference.

I really enjoyed this episode.
However, I still feel like Sara should have got not necessarily more attention, but better attention for being a leader in her own right. She got a good amount of screen time; I just wish she had been recognized as a leader the same way Oliver, Barry, and Kara were. I guess Legends is

Well call me an idiot, but I enjoyed this episode. It had me hooked. From the moment Cooper sits in that chair, we know to question reality. For me, the show did a good job of making me question reasonable amounts of reality. I believe when he goes in to meet the creator. I question the house he's in, although I still

"Robert Carlyle is so good" - Agree. Just wanna make sure I state that.
However, I'm so over his character. He just seems the same as Season 1, Episode 1. His character is overly predictable for me. I just feel exhausted with him being the villain all the time.
I know there's been arcs where he's good, but it never even

"David Hornsby is married to Emily Deschanel" - I somehow had zero knowledge of this and now I'm just deeply disturbed of the image of Rickety Cricket with Bones. I thought googling images of them together would override my imagination, but I'm still in disbelief.

I actually really loved this episode. Sure things were rushed, but hell it was incredibly exciting! I appreciate the Flash story advancing along with the cross over. However, the Cisco/Barry stuff seemed relevant and raised the stakes for the episode. Technically the Iris/Wally stuff was relevant and sets the stage

I kinda view it as the intentions of changing the past. Sara is very clearly not allowed to save her sister because its selfish and can have big consequences. It's the same reason people are mad at Barry for being selfish.
I don't think it's necessarily that the past was changed, I think it's why? I mean Barry altered

I'm curious what the views are sometimes on how the show handles adoption. It's obviously come up in the past with Kara, but it came up again with Lena this episode. I don't have much real life insight, so I don't know if my opinions are completely off base. Sometimes though it seems like adoption relationships are

Why does everyone just assume that Keith is dead? I mean yes it definitely seems that way. But he survived hitting his head on the counter. I think he could still be alive. Also, I don't think anyone sincerely checked. They were just freaked out and then moved the body. Like yeah, he's probably dead. But I could also

No mention of Portia playing a Latina? I got a good chuckle over her "I'm ethnically ambiguous" line.

"Waldo has a nastier, more violent streak to him, and incites crowds into throwing shoes and beating people up. This is even harder to believe, especially in the real-world atmosphere the episode creates"
I know this review is 3 years old and in a simpler time, but wow how things have changed. America just elected a

No mention of George Glass?