Sam Miller

It's funny that 24 got mentioned because that's the show that came to mind as soon as I read the headline. I own a lot of seasons on DVD. I'm a huge TV guy and I've been collecting since before the streaming days. It's been a combination of my own purchases and largely presents for birthdays and Christmas. My current

I think the series finale of Dexter competes in my head with that of How I Met Your Mother for which one pissed me off the most.

Just about every TV viewer knows that the previews for the next week's episode are edited to make things appear a certain way that is rarely the reality. We know previews to be unreliable. One of the most interesting things about the reveal of Wes being the one under the sheet is that so much of it's shock comes from

Wow, what an amazing episode! Definitely had me hooked! And that reveal was awesome.
Out of all the characters, I had actually hoped it would be Wes that died. I really think his death is going to be great for the story and I was never a huge fan of his character.

Also, can we talk about the very very very final scene of the episode?
I'm sure there's a direct reference for it, but the ghosts marching in with torches and the main torch front and center with the burning house in the background just really reminded me of old scary movie formats. I can't really name it, but the

I always figure that they take on different titles:
Lead Actor vs Supporting vs Guest
in order to increase their odds for awards shows.
Ya know, instead of competing against each other.

Most AHS finales aren't climaxes. They usually climax an episode or 2 before the end and then use the last episode to tie things up (or attempt to) and give some sort of closure. Er, at least the best seasons have done that.

I'm still deciding on my Roanoke placement but as of now I'm leaving it tied with Coven.

I feel like Leslie Jordan could actually do well on Scream Queens. Maybe Murphy should send him over there.

Asylum is my favorite season too. There's a few issues with it of course, but the only one that still kind of bothers me is the alien storyline.

One of the things that struck me most about this episode was the type of directing we get towards the end, specifically of Lee and Flora. The different cameras format is abandoned and we are just seeing them rather than through any lens.
As a viewer I kind of appreciated the relief and authenticity I felt like it got

While praising Alex's progress in sexuality last week, I also had several points of critique since I thought the show would hop straight into things. Whereas this episode took a step back, and was so authentic.
I take back the few negative things I said last week, because dang the show is doing a great job at Alex's

I thought this episode was enjoyable enough. Nothing amazing, but it was solid and entertaining. Agree with the B grade. Unfortunately for a 100th episode, kind of would have expected a little more, but as a normal episode it was decent.

"most likely available at Target" - some how I had forgot the ridiculous amount of Target promos in this show, lol.

It seems like an out of place character trying to figure out human culture almost always works for great comedic effect. It's not like I have a bunch of examples, but Anya from Buffy comes to mind.

"even if the flying looks notably worse than it did with the show’s CBS budget" - Hmm, I'm not gonna argue this. I'm just curious if many people agree with this statement? I'm sure if I went back and did side by sides of the scenes, I would. But when I'm just watching the show I haven't really noticed a difference.

I actually liked the off format episode and although I'm not sure its the character combo I would pick, I like being unexpected and developing relationships.
In terms of the patient fan fic and humanizing the John Doe, it reminded me very much of an episode some seasons back, I don't remember everything, but it had

Phew, Connor's alive.

Last week, I defended the Polk's storyline. This week since it took up more time the reviewer went into more detail about its flaws and I have to agree. It really doesn't do a ton for narrative progression. Honestly not much does.

April has definitely improved a lot this season!