
definitely Aaron or Eugene. I was surprised to see Aaron still alive actually, because I haven't notice him lately, but I don't think I'm even actively watching anymore…it's just on sunday nights.

a zombie show is fun, for awhile. Now it's a soap opera with the same recurring theme…too tired. I found myself absolutely not caring who got whacked.

it's just so repetetive. like a season on a farm but more dull. there's no direction to the story, they've been dragging out this virginia suburb season(s) to bring in negan..just another bad guy.
It was time to wrap this show up about two seasons ago, zombies run out of calories, fall down really dead, they drive

obviously Eugene…they already said goodbye to him,

This show jumped the shark two seasons ago. Another boss, big deal. The show has just become this cyclical formulaic of aggressors/captures/escapes/conquests…we get it already. Negan is no different than any other boss they've had five times before, and all they've done is lay the groundwork for another season of

my all time favorite coincidence…I was outside working on my car, waiting for a home inspector when up walked a nicely dressed african american woman with a briefcase. she said "good morning" and I said "oh good morning, right on time!" introduced myself and guided her right into my house, into the kitchen and told

this is very true, especially after an hour or so…people get too hammered to care what you're doing.

mind you, this was in the pre-internet days where you had to go to the library to look for info. in every library, in every town, Scientologists would destroy periodicals/microfiche/books that referenced scientology (and they would leave copies of "Dianetics" on bookshelves). if a library had the Time magazine issue

retail scientology is much more sinister than what is covered in "going clear" which focuses primarily on sea org and celebrity involvement. The church absolutely destroys their bread and butter constituents.

Guiness. you don't drink them fast and they don't have a high abv. you can nurse a guiness for half an hour. Some smartass is going to start ordering whiskey, keep one hand in your pocket and just show him the guiness…a for sure "pass" on st patty's.

I lost a friend to this cult when it was in it's heyday in the mid 80's, scary scary sh*t. Once they had her, they began a serious effort to recruit me up to and including dispatching this girl to sleep with me to lure me into the cult. It half worked. This girl went on to sell her mothers home out from under her