Mac Smith

Nostalgia Wars: We Reuse Everything

Tatooine should have been left after the first movie. Everything about these new movies scream "nostalgiafest".

christ, Tatooine again!? just remake the old movies and forget about doing anything remotely new.

Totally! its great isn't it?

The dreaded Genji judgement has been handed down. Let there be no mercy for Spacey! May he be turned away at every door! Genji has spoken!

AV Club is really not a House of Cards fan.

one is too many, of course. One isn't enough, of course, to imply that an organization the size of the one mentioned is full of child murderers, as the author implies (without giving even the slightest fact or figure as to the number), or that said child killer is motivated by anything other than his batshit insanity.

It is about the article implying that this group is a bunch of child murdering fanatics because of one lunatic spewing garbage on the interwebs. Don't fool yourself. Any death threat should be followed up on, of course, but anyone deranged enough to threaten a child's life (assuming its even real) is clearly not doing