Addison DeWitt

Then who saved us from Frank Miller?

He's 900, what do you expect?

I disagree. Miller has no feel for urban life. It shows in the utter cliches he calls characters. Miller is like the Tarantino of comics. He steals from people like Jim Thompson and Cornell Woolrich and throws a little bit of his own inane outlook on life and people eat it up with a spoon. For what he did to The

Hated it when it came out, still hate it. TDKR is just more critic approved nonsense. Miller's only good work was his run on Daredevil. Other than that, his work has been that of a critic's darling who really sucks out loud.

I see Rose Byrne as President Palin, you?

Wha….(snort)…sorry..I fell asleep after the first paragraph. Wake me when it's over.