
Who loves ya, baby?

So "Last Dance" from Thank God It's Friday is too good for this list, right?

"Trout, trout, pretty little trout…one more splash and come right out"…was the tub song in my family!

"Whomp him low and whomp him high…stick your finger in his eye!"

Oh I just don't know where to begin…

Chuck Berry School of Film-making graduate!

90 minutes of Louie wandering New York frantically in search of an acceptable toilet as he desperately tries to hold back an impending massive dump?

"Cliiiiimb every mountain…."

The gawd-awful Lucy statue would seem most apt for his tweet…

It's kinda seems like once he played Roy Cohn he decided.."hey, I like the cut of this asshole's jib"…

This guy…

Could I interest you in some Alex Jones Taint Wipes, as you are obviously in discomfort?

Given the butter…re-enact a certain portion of Last Tango in Paris?

T.G.I.Fridays now and forever!

The tubes.. so it's Hee-Haw meets Brazil?

Actually is better at pretend driving really big trucks than the non-ursine Trump…

and she's still in the woods!

Can one shove an entire bucket of KFC into that flag flap?

You can trust that Trumpy Bear will never call out White power enthusiasts..

Obese, imbecilic pig finds new way to desecrate the office of the Presidency..