
It rivals "Heroes" for four seasons of stunted campy growth!

They really are Westeros' Florida…

Like sands through the hourglass…so are the day's of Cersei's lies…

Don't leave safety…
To mere chance…
That's why belts…
Are sold with pants…

Like sands through the hourglass…so are the days of Cersei's lies…

More realistic than McGregor vs. Mayweather…


Elon Musk chose Westoros as the first install of his Hyperloops…

Um, wasn't Tyrian watching Jaime intensely as he rode towards Daenerys…couldn't have kept his eyes on the water for a while?

Really wanna see The Hound vs. a Beholder!

Goddam…it's the King of the North version of The Dirty Dozen!

Television Without Pity
Cute Overload

If you never did, you should check out "Men of a Certain Age"…really showed that Romano was more than Ray Barrone…

Vern Schillinger would also get the point across quite menacingly..

Steve Martin is…..HONKY!

I think that the show would prefer to be called "Romani"…

The Trump commemorative holiday…that's when you gobble down an entire bucket of KFC and spend the night rage tweeting while on the shitter, right?

Given the ego…I'd worry that Trumpo would might enact some sort of Prima Nocta executive order to lay claim to any brides he encounters whilst waddling about…

Well that or the kid from "Mask"

Every now and then I still pop in my Cinemania '97 CD_ROM and revel in it's pre-web awesomeness…