
Euron really needs a Muttley to snicker at his most dastardly villainy!

Euron really needs a Muttley to snicker at his most villainous stuff!

Incest is the best…put your sister to the test! if you can't keep it in your pants…keep in in the family!

Is it just me or is Euron also the lead singer of Future Islands with a beard?
Just about as theatrical in presentation…

So Bran's gonna warg Ser Pounce at a particularly delicate moment and end Circe in a most unexpected fashion, right?

So of course Elon Musk somehow installed the first working Hyperloop in Westeros…what can't this man do!

At first blush, it seemed superfluous for John Oliver to spend the main part of his show on Alex Jones…except, that it exposed him not as a nasty raving lunatic…but rather as an absolute monorail-salesmen level huckster savagely ripping off his listeners/viewers…just devastatingly good work by Oliver…

Democracy and boners die in darkness!

my 9 song holding Diamond Rio player laughs at the lack of staying power of these puny Apple products!

My younger brother and I traipsing about Lake Tahoe sking Thanksgiving away until overwhelming hunger (aided by a bit of cannibis enhancement) drove us like fevered banshees to the stunningly decadent holiday buffet at the Harrah's and unleashed our heretofore hidden trencherman selves…

Your mum and my mum most meet and trade recipes in heaven…

Ask for mandolin…play Losing My Religion for hours…
Does that win?

Will it float?

Wish Jay would grow some Martin Van Buren side muffs in competition!

John Wick vs. Anton Chigurh would work for me…mix in a little pissed off Liam Neeson for flavor…

To be fair, the first John Wick was just a standalone b-level action movie distinguished by the exceptional skill, creativity and stuntman background of it's directors…that it's unexpected level of success generates this kind of stupid expansion is unfortunate…

Really think that the current Tonight Show would be improved by the addition of a CGI Steve Allen….and Dagmar!

Really, only the rarely remembered companion, Uncle Ben, never reappears….

Goddam does Capaldi have some world-class hair!

Beta Ray Bill over Michael Beck in a heartbeat!