
Seems more Impossible Man…

Just some more Grease 2 keep the Marvel machine moving!

McConaughey is….ADAM WARLOCK!

See I was pulling for MP to be the hottest (old school) Agatha Harkness ever…

Xanadu with more Hulk!

Pia Zadora as Tana Nile…Klaus Nomi as the Recorder!

By the beastly boner of Balder…I WANT TO SEE THIS NOW!!!

Has it ever been a better time to be a misanthrope?

I'm gonna go with Cruise getting the runs more often than the Rock…

The best part of my day is the time after I wake up…and before I remember who the President is…

Gotta admit the "What's Happening" meets "Blow" stuff is pretty damn entertaining…

always waiting for an episode to pop up where, in some jungle primeval, Tony re-creates the monkey brain sequence from Faces of Death!

He does spend a lot of time in the funkier parts of southeast asia….

i assume that there must be an extended brunch scene?

Can't wait 'til. she finally gets to ESPN and can really let loose on all the ridiculous clowns on FS1/FSR…

why is this phallus-thing-a-ma-jiggie growing out of my head?

So my dream of the Silmarillion narrated by Gilbert Gottfried can now proceed?

Judging by the number of comments to this article it would seem that your point is asinine and that your head is tlikely ensconced in your ass…

If the merger goes thru, really looking forward to Sinclair trying this crap with KTLA…kinda think it'll go over like a lead balloon in LA.

More like Baby Huey takes over the White House…