
wow…that is some 70's Charlton Comics level bad art…

He has the best words…don't you know…bigly!

The best part of my day is just after I wake up…and before I remember who the President is…

Nah stroking out, and a resulting shitty pants vegetable status would be a much more deserved fate

Can we all agree, the word "retarded" is passé with one exception…this guy!

While having a front-butt…what an ugly symytry!

We've had a few real assholes as President before..but at least Andrew Johnson and Franklin Pierce could blame it on the alcoholism…what is the Obese Orange Oaf's excuse?

Hopefully doing a full Elvis…stroking out whilst rage tweeting..at 3am…on the toilet..while eating KFC!

Not to mention co-workers pooping in your chair!

Crashing a shindig at Dr. Frank N Furter's seems like some good fun whether you're a Brad or a Janet!

Watch out for the lawnmower!

Don't think I wanna attend Frank Booth's little party at Ben's place…tho, that Ben does a mean Roy Orbison…


Duh, I am hangin' with Peter Sellers, Claudine Longet and Carol Wayne at "The Party"!!!
So damn groovy…and sudsy!

Appropriately goofy choice: OMC "How Bizarre"

Is the Wienermobile like the "Cars" John Holmes?

Ralph Bakshi's "Cars" is gonna be sooo disturbing…

Do you have a fake Time cover hanging in your house too?

My favorite time of day is right after I wake up…and before I am reminded who the President is…

Even though it would mean no AV Club, still somehow 1977 seems preferable…