
There is seemingly a disturbing lack of Landers Sisters with this version of Battle of the Network Stars!

Go on, knock this battery off of my shoulder…I dare ya!


Still, all that fascism produced the goddam freaky scariest album cover this child ever saw…"Why do you have to listen to Court of the Crimson King again Daddy?"

damn, put a blonde(?) rug on that Blockhead and you've got somethin' very POTUS-y…

Gahd, they would have had a field day with Theresa May and El Trumpo!

Oh Superman where are you now…when everything's gone wrong somehow…

When that demented Keebler elf of an Attorney General really gets going with his jihad against marijuana and recreational drugs it's gonna feel soooo much like the Reagan era…"just say no" kids!

Since Steely Dan was always just Becker & Fagen and whatever studio musicians could meet their standards, does that count?

The best part of each day is that brief period after I wake up, and before I remember who the President is…

Piss is far too lightweight for Lumpy…in truth, he's a hardcore colostomy bag guzzler…

Just wait till the new "Starve Medicare to fund Tax Cuts for the Rich" plan starts killing off current Trumper grandpas and meemas in the next couple years…you're gonna feel so proud to be an early hater!

AJ, at this point phlegmatic evangelical crazy would be so much more preferable…

That is sooooo much more immense than anything President Thimbledick has at (also tiny) hand!

My favorite part of the day is just after I wake up and before I remember who the President is…

Very much enjoyed the first season and am looking forward to the new one…

I'd respect him more if he were hawking x-ray specs, sea monkeys and GRIT!

Every day when I am poleaxed by another stupefying act of vulgarity or idiocy or petty meanness by President Skidmark and I despair as to how this could have come to pass…I simply remember…

Look, the whole season was worth it to me if only for it's singular image of utterly grotesque horror…Varga guzzling rocky road on the turlet!

'Judy came from O-Hi-O…she's a Scientologist"