
Really would like Lord Buckethead to lead an inquiry into Bob Murray's bullsheeet!

Hell yeah, Imperial Guard's gotta be there…the Fang suit in the MCU!

Jamiroquai…such a goddam perfect choice…just wish Barker had worn the hat…

So now, where should this celebratory pudding pop go?

Zut alors!

Nobody want's to admit it..but we are a nation of deeply, deeply stupid people…

Admittedly, the nude scene is gonna be a bit of a tough watch…

(Exit, pursued by a bear)

Orange Boys…aren't delishious…

Both sides deserve to be heard

I am shocked that Donald hasn't started building his own version of Berghof somewhere in the Rockies…

I'm just waiting for the Trumped-up restaging of "Hair"…

The Hides of Starch

her Tamora really killed in that restaged Titus Andronicus…

Sorry, just saw the Batman and Bill documentary…

See I always thought it was the 80's Comics Journal's letters section that was the template for today's Internet commentariat…

Bob Kane was always telling Bill Finger to fuck off…to death…

Gotta admit I'm a sucker for any Lifetime or Hallmark channel woman in peril movie she appears in…

I can't wait to see the the black and white fail footage part of the infomercial for this product..

His reveling in the adulation before beginning his idiotic screed actually made me throw-up in my mouth…