
Then again, will this make my nether regions Trump proof?

Fun Boy Three had some disturbing kinks!

I'm not certain that this is going to make me feel "fresh"…

The footage of Bob Kane being interviewed by Stan Lee really got my inner Hulk going…hopefully Finger and Kirby get to settle their scores in some retconned alternate dimension!

mmmm…Dina Meyer…

Ah man where is the Seagal, Willis, JCVD cloosterfook of crapitude America deserves…The Undependables!

He is not your father figure!

Just saw Unbreakeable the other day for the first time in forever…good gahd what the eff happened to Willis?

I really don't think it is appropriate for Jocasta's synthezoid clitoris to be put on display like that!

Beware…the Epi-Lady!

Was just surprised that his pants were up…inputing whilst dumping would seem the full Varga!

It's like a funky Rissoli & Isles…but with better jackets!

Well, it is true that Spielberg has never proffered a truly empowering piece of wokeness like "Walk of Shame"…

Winstead has been sooo goddam good I am now willing to re-listen to her Got A Girl album!

See…all along I was thinking Mr. Fischoeder was pulling the strings behind Varga

I just want them to start dancing and fuse! My favorite new gem…Burgle-pez!

It's the little things…

There goes Slipknot's Delta endorsement deal…

"Look at my sandwich…remind you of Jane?"

That header screenshot doesn't even begin to capture the stunning artistry of Monument Valley II…just hypnotic in it's beauty…