
So, the problem was that the normal vajajay camera-frogman wasn't there to record the pool raunchiness, right?

Fox & Friends is already decrying the lack of bad eagles on that throne…

The thirties…Harlem…the Savoy…one of those battle of the bands competitions between Chick Webb and Count Basie…featured vocalist…the young Ella Fitzgerald….

You have uncommonly large hands in your dimension, don'tcha?

Swango and Wrench….THE DEFIANT ONES!

He's a Diamond Level Distributer in a more nefarious Amway!

Can't wait 'till Deputy Burgle gets to investing these Physics professor charlatans offering an expensive con to visit lost loved ones in an alternate dimension!

Y'know, I'm really thinkin' Sy ain't ever gonna swallow anything in any cup offered by Mr. Varga after the prior mug violation…that midwest gullibility only goes so far…

I am absolutely gobsmacked that I did not know of this aspect of Lloyd's artistry!!! Amazon, bring these books to me NOW!

Actually Meyers as an ersatz Rip Taylor in a redux $1.98 Beauty Show might possibly have worked…

No "Juicy, Juicy Jaye P. Morgan"…NO SALE!

shame that Cruise hadn't evinced his masochistic bent earlier when he would have been young enough to beat the hell out of himself in a Harold Lloyd bio-pic!

the turning wild horses into dog food angle will go over great with the Freeform demo methinks!

Post Nixon, post Vietnam, high unemployment, high inflation, gas shortages, itchy polyester, A Taste of Honey winning the Best New Artist Grammy…the late seventies had a lot going against it…

You seem fun…

all those Russian overtones…I wanna see a younger scruffier VM Varga cross paths with the Jennings on The Americans…

my gawd…just caught a gleeful lambasting of this crapulence on the local LA morning news…what the hell was that muzaked beyond belief version of "Hungry Eyes"…

ROADHOUSE! Roadhouse…

It's amazing what a good food artist can do with a spoiled rump roast

I dunno, Robert Moses College tends to steamroll any competition…and their mascot, the Power Broker?