Freakazoid / Eek the Cat

Woo Hoo! So glad Van Damme finally gets his own show, such a great blend of comedy an action and he's more than capable of both. Plenty of opportunities for movie stunt and secret agent scenes, wonder if his doppelganger will reoccur (anyone else recall his Revenant and Double Impact movies). Everything is coconut

Yeah, maybe I was a bit harsh, but yeah just a bit, I'm just bitter because I actually enjoyed Helix for it's wackiness despite it's many faults (crunchy eyeball soup, yum) and you frequently bringing it up still stings, especially in WoT!-apologies for the wounds brew. : )

Just ignore brewfan, he's a bit of a troll with too much time on his hands.

Sure, there's always a way to fit a theme on the apocalyptic world and there was that episode 1st season with the suicide cult where Murphy literally calls himself the Messiah after discovering his developing connection to the Zs. He's been called the saviour of humans for awhile because he's the sole survivor of the

How about not even mentioning the Meandering Dead, yet I'll note how superior Addy is with her spiked bat to this Neegan guy with a barb wrapped bat who likes to talk about pissy pants.

Wait, so AVClub is actually covering this show now? After failing to mention it in Friday's WoT, I had just assumed the review of the Flashback movie that finally gave us a glimpse at Zona first mentioned in Area 51, was just a one off tease and never bothered. So just like Banshee coverage, here's hoping Z Nation

That's why I really liked the scene at Elliott's apartment pinging the mystery mobile, then of course immediately got frustrated/pissed off when he characteristically mistook her bodyguard/driver's chance to unload his hidden discomfort and share his eccentric clients' behaviour with someone else who wasn't cowed by

So taking out the power grid, like part of the plot of Die Hard 4 with Olyphant.

Never assumed Tyrell was at the address, but intrigued by who it might be. Thought it was 'cheaper' to have Romero killed by a neighbor's stray bullet to instigate the whole case.

85 with Alzheimers, the guy was lucky to have a fuller life than most.

No, finding out Cedric and Tanya made it out alive was one of the few positives about the finale (until the enforcer/ potential assassin showed up), along with the jokes about USA network-"characters like you are Not welcome here", the music, and delusional Elliott finally getting shot to shut him up-no you didn't try

Sorry to burst your bubble, but Mr. Loggia is no longer with us.

Liam Cunningham, Mark Strong, Franco Nero, Lee Van Cleef

That's exactly why I'd like to go, just to see what the big deal is, and why Miss sourpuss was so threatened by Alaska's self expression (but the nearest one is an hour away in a town with not much else). Oh well.

Easily. With little to no regulations back then and run by two nurses, that would be enough for any desperate family looking to dump off their infirm elderly relative for the cheapest price. Hell, even now there are plenty of places rampant with incompetence and abuse. (Hospital stays often increase one's risk of

Don't know what sex demon you refer to, but the Rape demon was an enforcer for Peter's character to keep those trapped by his hotel doing his bidding.

Finally, the Bad Jubies is gone. Her constant stink eye during the comedy routines was the funniest thing Phi Phi did tonight. Then I laughed out loud when the first commercial after was for Party City!, already Halloween ads? Damn this year is flying by.
Now I just wish we could see the short lipsync in it's entirety

Well, Trenton is sporting the heavy eye makeup since she apparently had to give up her head scarf.

Well, the house is haunted, which just makes me wish we could have seen Chad Radwell's house freaking out. I'll take screaming furniture over wriggling manpig tails on the wall any day.

I can see how jealous she was of Alyssa's positive attitude and upset by her manic energy, but I got so annoyed with Phi Phi's constant complaining anytime she spoke. That any of these Allstars would take her opinion/efforts at sabatoge seriously is surprising nonetheless. Though nice catch in the edit getting her