Freakazoid / Eek the Cat

Probably felt like she deserved to suffer for all that happened.

Well that was dreary, just following a bland doctor on a boring long slog through the martial law world of Pilcher worshippers and the rebels. Best thing was the new opening credits sequence. I don't care about any of these people, never liked bland Ben, and now he is rebel leader, whoopteedoo.
At least found out the

Yup, Mythbusters did fire vs ice much better.

Oh exactly, no offense meant to Mr. Todd at all love him, but Why couldn't Tony have been a love interest for Caitlyn? Not CW enough?
Barry alters his own voice not a different person. It tain't the same.

Pretty close, Dark Helmet: "I CAN'T BREATHE IN THIS THING!"

…or absorbs more gamma radiation. Is Hulk going to actually speak like in the cartoons? If so he needs to work on his voice, seemed to mumble or was too quiet in Avengers.

And a better score (Elfman) than any other Marvel movie.

Reese is caught unawares despite the obvious "silver fox" set up. Root rides up on horseback to save Reese's ass. Though tunnel demolitions was the standout considering the beginning of the season.

Huge Darth Vader fan, and Darth didn't keep taking off his breathing apparatus/mask when he was bitching to his kidnap victim. One time reveal versus bad joke, they're just not comparable.

Zoom was a bad joke as soon as they revealed a white guy using a Black man's voice.

Phrasing, boom.

Of course people are going to keep gushing about Green, but she was doing this amazing stuff (not nearly as good writing obviously) back when nobody but the few of us were watching Camelot too. Not a fan of Claire, but the range he got to perform here I'd say this was as much Kinnear's spotlight episode as it was

It was trephining Vanessa was prepped for, drilling into and cracking open the skull, not a lobotomy. The latter is an ice pick through the eye socket to attempt to blindly scramble the brains then see what happens. As a near lifelong student of mental health and illness I'm torn between this fascinating 'bottle'

TORMUND & BRIENNE!! He's not subtle at all anymore.

Whatever may happen, it must have been tough to hear about her sister that way.

Wait, this wasn't the season finale? Tease us with Dougray Scott and Strand as a great couple only to kill him off, then expect me to care about the assholes left (except Strand and Nick)? Don't think so. Alicia was dead to me when getting a boyfriend was more important than anything. Daniel was dead to me when he

Loved Diana's gorgeous handcrafted dolls, I want them! I always enjoy when adults underestimate and dismiss children to their own demise (it happens so rarely), especially such a powerful supernatural being as Diana's proved to be. With such a chaotic life so far, seems a testament to Nick's Mum's skills raising her

Darn, you're right, have to see how the gang escapes the stampede and thwarts the plan to cull the globe's entire animal population. Any idea when that starts?

Person of Interest is still burning off 2 to 3 episodes a week, Preacher starts this Sunday, GoT and Penny Dreadful are still on, and Archer has a couple episodes to go. Wayward Pines unexpected 2nd season starts Wednesday, then the crash you can't help but stare at then voraciously mock, FX's own the Strain starts in

Darn, I was really hoping for some pictures from last night. Other reviews have pics throughout, where are all the awesome drag pics?