Freakazoid / Eek the Cat

In regards to the previous episode which I can't find a review for:

Episodes leaked? Since when?

Knowing everything now, on rewatch I can appreciate that every time they end a suspension a meeting is held to review the new citizen's info and discuss the game plan for different behavioural scenarios. Melissa Leo is a treasure. Now I see how she was letting Ethan get away with Beverly (such a waste of a character,

"Do not try to leave " is what I made out. One of WP's rules

Brilliant @Cirion! Love the future speak. Best reaction to this series I've seen. When I saw Law and Order I immediately thought of the Dung Dung followed by a Wilhelm scream, but then that turns it into a Mad TV sketch.

Apologies but I'm still confused with what you mean. Melanie was usurped by the sudden introduction of Christine. The Dome hath me domed, I am thusly Domed.

I didn't mean this to be Ben, I never took him as that clever. I don't write scripts or have the first clue as to how it's done. I just meant this to be some random teenager we've never met before acting this out during the chaos. It helps me take the disappointing finale better. Apologies for the confusion, I just

True, true. I prefer to leave the door ajar. I don't care if someone walked in on me but the possibility of something happening is unfortunately there. Living with others you don't always know who's over. So when company is over it's locked, sad to say but better safe than sorry. Cheers

Tyrell would probably be surprised that the cockroach more likely than not enjoys his steady gig. Low intensity, low demands in the exclusive executive lounge. He's not sweating up a storm hustling trays in that fancy dress uniform. Doesnt have to worry about deadlines and other such corporate stressors, has time to

You must not be female, or at least have a secure past. I say this because as a young girl, a teenager, and a woman, I've had men walk in on me or try to when I'm in the water closet. All in the comfort of my own home. I was also followed by a guy in college who didn't care for the bathroom stall door in the dorm,

And unfortunately a dime a dozen.

Sons of Anarchy.

As so they should. It is bizarre and rather childish. We know we've all got the same bits and pieces and yet lets pretend we don't because some of us are so uncomfortable we have to shame everyone to thinking it's worse than it actually is, nudity for nudity's sake I mean. I wish their standards rose above the

Don't they supposedly advertise having the latest episodes on the website? I keep missing Dominion live and caught the first episodes on syfy.com. Choppy playback but maybe that's just my decade old Toshiba laptop.

But didn't Melanie grab the egg too? Along with Sam and Lowell and Awesomely Terrible Paintings (junior's mum) back in the eighties or whenever? Or were there two space eggs? Are we just supposed to ignore all that or am I forgetting something (probably) about the latter being in the cacoon's? At least nobody

D'oh mmm!

Good glob this show has gone dark and depressing for a summer series, bloody kinship collective with healing cacoons, and not in a fun way. It was nice seeing Marge not throwing herself at Big Jim, great scene between them in the cage.

Only if Sam had followed through and done the same to Christine.

If anybody has FXM network and wants to take it all in at once, they're showing the whole series this Saturday afternoon. Too soon I know, but FXM was great when they replayed all of Fargo earlier this year commercial free.

I love that they had him hit with shrapnel from the explosion.