Freakazoid / Eek the Cat

No kidding, must have used the same bronzer the Winchester boys used last year.

Same here, just wish the school closures weren't taking up the bottom 1/4 of the screen.

I don't either, good points all, too much focus on the wedding in FF, but nowhere near as bad as the last 2 Spider-Man reboots (IMOO).

"One of the angelic hosts, here…." Katrina, knows Orion doesn't belong yet since she's estranged from her husband and his snarky partner, doesn't bother because …bad writing. Let Katrina try to save Spago/Abraham. It'd be better than hearing the dyad rehash the plot at the end of every freaking episode. Terrible

Yeah, it was only her plan that saved their collective asses, because Abbie's idea to sacrifice Irving worked out soooooo well.

I'd prefer an explanation as to how Abbie has a new leather jacket every week, when did she come into money? What exactly is her job now? Poor writing all around.

We were pummeled over the head repeatedly with how Abbie would betray Crane as a witness, so how is this not obvious as soon as the dark winged angel showed up? Especially with her contempt for Katrina.

Yes, yes, yes. You are a wise one indeed, Kumagoro .

Agreed, I find it difficult to describe too. Like SAFE. Shite, I still have to see John Wick, but It's similar to The Raid 2 's intense fight scenes. just not looking forward to more Deva drama.

Second season was better than the first (save the improbable Tony BS). Male clones and the military aspect. April.

Great episode, deserves a higher grade. Loved the sister's finally coming to terms with each other. I teared up, it was quite beautiful. Rivalry is a grab bag of story lines and Selfie brilliantly chose the best to follow. Loved how Henry went to Freddie for help. Great all around. Charmonique wins!!


It was odd seeing Darla as the mom on Rectify. J. Smith-Cameron does an amazing job of matriarch. (I'm biased because it's one of my favourite films, but I think it holds up like Die Hard holds up- of the time yet for all times).

Tangerines are sweeter and tangy oranges with zipper peels. They are awesome. Newsflash: all fruit has seeds (whether it's engineered to have them or not).

It only took her two minutes of screen time to tell someone who wasn't talking to "shut up".

California Raisins Claymation Christmas Special, He-man and the Masters of the Universe Christmas Special, if available Marvel's Agents of S.M.A.S.H. It's a Wonderful Smash (with GotG and the Collector) , Nightmare Before Christmas…

My go to "Holiday" movies are:

Heads up on TV marathon s if they aren't mentioned elsewhere. I'm sure I'm missing a few but this is what I've found.


Bruce Campbell is guest starring on The Librarians as. Santa who is pursued by the Serpent Brotherhood. It's a silly fun show with 3 young smart misfits who secure magic objects with Rebecca Romijn shooting things and complaining how she can't kill immortal beings and repeatedly told the Library didn't choose her