Super Nintendo Chalmers

I'm thinking cities I guess. Never had a problem finding good local pie in the bigger cities and college towns. Are they on every other corner like NYC? No, but better options than TX or most of the deep south.

Yeah most of my Texas travels have taken me to the far flung burbs of DFW where it's only chains, or Austin, which has far better BBQ and Mexican food than I can get at home so I go with that

Chicago gets all the pizza attention but nearly every Midwestern city has more decent pie options than they get credit for. But Texas? Yeah, from my experience there it's a pizza desert.

The Guinness sauce is a nice touch though

Yeah, Irish pizza sucks.

For me it was Pantera's Pizza.
As a kid in the 80s I assumed it was everywhere but was most likely a local chain in the St. Louis area.

Marge, I'd like to be alone with the burrito

Those were Natsees

Maybe after the rain

Well orange Billy Zabka is the President now.

My ex liked this show but all the violins and foreboding got on my nerves

Yes! I recognized her right away, and was immediately annoyed

Some girls have all the luck!
—Melania Trump

There's also the part where the old Nazi puts a stray cat in the oven.

I'm trying to remember the one story from that book that didn't get made into a movie but I'm drawing a blank—I know it was the "winter" story but I can't recall any specifics about it.

Like you wouldn't have done it anyway

It's Pork Damn Near Killed Em Week at The AV Club

U2 has been waiting for those

"The football coach and father of eight had a lot to contend with"

Don't forget extra paint for the onion tied to your belt!