Super Nintendo Chalmers

"Eyeing a few indie films"
So "Brothers McMullen 2"?

While conveniently leaving out his own low poll ratings.

Her rump's as big as the Queen's, and twice as fragrant!

By spelling it that way I'm afraid you're giving Tyler Perry ideas.

And that's why I'll continue to oppose teen alcoholism in all it's forms!

The seeds for 2000 were planted in 94 when both brothers ran for Governor. Jeb lost his race while Dubya won his, so he got to be the first one to take a crack at the White House.

And, like Christophuh, Dubya likely had his hair in the toilet at some point. Disgusting.

RIP, your pants

Does it come with a side of Uterbraten?

More like Monster Cucks!
—Some Breitbart moron

I wonder what those CPAC gatherings smell like.
I know it's halitosis, colostomy bags, cheap whiskey, and hatred. I just wonder the percentage of each.

"I saw BBC several times on Melania's browser history and when I asked what it was she said nothing, ignore it"

Kate McKinnon as Ruth Bader Ginsburg on SNL—"Pence is the guy who got a quarter chub watching Magnum P.I. in 1983 and is determined to make everyone pay for it now"

*Bob Marley smoking weed posters found in dumpsters outside America's frat houses*

Dig up, stupid

What are we calling him today? Asshole? Fucknugget? Douche Supreme?

Don't eat the breadsticks!

Or Colin Powell

You should have pulled an Inglorious Basterds on that one.

*Takes step forward*