Super Nintendo Chalmers

Considering he took credit for not rolling back Obama's LGBTQ rights earlier today I'm surprised he hasn't already.

Is that the girl from the bus?

According to their governor they're all named "Smoothie"

I know. Obama snuck into his cabin and murdered him for nuthin!

Yeah and I bet some of those voting in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan thought their states were safe for the Democrats and voted their "conscience"—which I'm sorry but if Jill Stein is your conscience, get a new one!

So you really think Hillary would be issuing executive orders banning muslims and would be building a wall on the Mexican border huh?

Not even with KellyAnne Conway's dick

If you have a Republican Senator or Congressman call them every single fucking day.

I've heard it's golden.

Yeah, they photoshopped Paul Ryan out of the pic.

You might have described DJT's ultimate fantasy there

Hellooo child labor!

That wasn't Toy Story?

12 yr old me is wondering who Justine Bateman is in this scenario.

I think the target audience for this are people who think Branson, Missourah has become too intellectual and elitist.

Po Folks, now that's a chain I haven't heard in a long long time.
*Looks wistfully across fast food parking lot*

Hardees/Carl's Jr. will send over a team of automated robots to work for free AND shame same sex couples.

Something had to be since the State Department is now an Exxon station.

Must be at least this stupid to ride this ride.

These alternative safety harnesses are just shoestrings.