Super Nintendo Chalmers

Sk8er bois will do that

You might wind up being better friends with him.

I love how Ted Nugent and Kid Rock were good enough to get the rubes riled up to vote for him, but he wants toilet trained celebrities for his big party.

The things we'll all be working for so the trillionaires can have more tax breaks

"They take us for granted"
My spouse has really dropped the ball with date night lately, I'm gonna hook up with someone who beats me!

Is this customary in your legal system?

This past Saturday I was dog sitting for friends and we got iced in. I was sitting in their basement bar knocking back a bit o bourbon with Sam Cooke and Otis Redding on shuffle.

You will, you will
-Donald Trump

But that guarantee is void in Tennessee

I just had sex with my persona.

No Jon Secada?

Their marriage lasted only one long December

Tools? This is The AV Club
They're all around!

It Don't Mean Nothin for him to open a can of whup ass!

What's this movie abort again?

She also did better than Democrats normally do in GA and AZ, even though she lost both.
It'll be interesting to see if Democrats can start competung in those more diverse, growing states as they lose support in the aging, mostly white rust belt

It was a perfect shit storm

When I was a senior in high school Toad the Wet Sprocket played on the sidewalk on a campus I was visiting. I laid down and took a nap. To this day I can't think of a 90s band more nap worthy.

Jug bands?

Mouths and organs are a great combination!