
the joke is beth telling an asian woman that her asian name is racist, and that beth was basically saying anything she could to lash out.

fair enough, but her giant speech also served as the buildup to a punchline, the punchline being the shot cutting back to the whole room and seeing everyone's facial reactions (the "blank look", similar to right before beth divorced jerry) and also dr wong saying "if you have any friends or family who eat poop tell

I…thought it was a good speech…….


Ngl, I feel like killing Fiore permanently so quickly was a bit of a waste of one of my favorite Season 1 characters, and I'm worried about this show potentially veering into GOT levels of lovable-character-killing.

I'm hoping that they come back later on. The Alpha Centauri are weird among DW's aliens in that they're a fun and interesting alien design that *isn't* monstrous and evil in the slightest. The few nice aliens we get usually follow the Star Trek model of alien designing, which sucks, because it's the non-human-looking

The 10th Doctor talked quite a bit about humans evolving into other species that aren't really humans and aren't really aliens but are still definitely people. Maybe blue guy was an early mutation, as a result of, I don't know, humans breeding with aliens, or genetic engineering.
The Doctor mentioned human descendants

Okay, but by the rules of this site, it definitely does not count as harassment, so you flagging them does literally nothing. It's the online equivalent of calling the police because somebody gave you a stink-eye.

Okay but what did you flag them for?

The show absolutely is going places; it's just taking its time getting there. This first season will only amount to the first quarter of the actual book, apparently, so all of the tangents and such are kind of necessary for fleshing out what has to be a full season's worth of stuff.

I'm pretty sure the cat that followed the lady was supposed to be Bast, the Egyptian cat goddess (not usually associated with Egyptian funerary rites, but she probably knew Anubis and decided to come along just to hang out).

Every sex scene (minus Bilquis's second sex scene, which was really just there to show that she's been "eating" a bunch of people, not just the one guy) is pretty much lifted verbatim from the actual book.
The Salim and Jinn scene was a bit more drawn out than it was in the book, but better a drawn out gay sex scene

He shows up again in the trailers (plus his segment in the book) so I'm assuming he'll probably get a proper introduction later.

Tbh, the *only* thing that makes sense to me in terms of Julia letting Reynard live is the fact that Persephone is his mom, meaning that if Julia *had* decided "fuck it," and shot him, there's a good chance Persephone would've flipped out and killed everyone (read your mythology, folks; Persephone isn't a goddess you

*has flashbacks to that episode of Supernatural that was supposed to be about dragons but it was just boring bat people who sometimes have fire powers*

I've been at a school after a suicide (I didn't know the person who died at all, but I remember the days after, and knew a few people who had known them), and it's pretty much exactly like how the show portrays.

This episode it felt like Julia, who recognizes that acting blatantly sociopathic isn't beneficial for her, was trying her best to act more "human".

Also love the "the Librarians really suck at making things accessible" bit. Or, well, not "loved", but. As a disabled person myself, it was really relatable. It sucks that people with disabilities are treated badly even by powerful multidimensional magicians, but it's also sadly pretty believable.

Creepy orange and blue morality fairies are the best fairies.

Jane's dead, remember? Meaning the time loops died with her. Time magic is generally hardcore stuff (it had to be given to Jane by a god, meaning it's not something you just learn), so going back and talking to past Jane isn't really a possibility.