
Awesome ad!
Never have i seen the concept known as "Hillary" so accurately illustrated in only a minute!
1. Scripted/Hollywood content supporting a scripted/Hollywood candidate: CHECK.
oh, and thanks for elevating Trump to the same level as the mythical creature known as ZABKA!

I agree with John.
I mean, when you have one candidate who, while serving on behalf of the citizens of the US, takes bribes in the form of "donations" to a charity that pays out less than 15% in actual charity… running against a business man whose platform is based on the fact that citizens of the US are fed up with

well… if he happened to be the dude on sexual assault molestation charges back in Little Rock years ago:
- if he had Hillary as his attney, bet he would have gotten off on a technicality thanks to her! And bet she would BRAG about being able to pull it off too!
you vote for her, i'll stick with the dude who builds bars

a. it wasn't an argument, it is a fact.
b. i don't vote for someone to save me - i vote for someone that's gonna stay outta my freaking way.
say hi to yer queen, and be sure to bow at the appropriate angle when she comes to town.

I hear ya, Fing grease ball shady azz lawyers… toss em all of a bridge, i say.

…skids to halt….reverse lights on, slowly getting larger…. trump bumper sticker now in view….

Yeah, if I could itemize as to where my money is being allocated, sign me the F up.
Too bad the feds love blowing cash waaayyyyy more than anyone could love their country.

Hillary Clinton minces onion for 30 seconds, presses Life Alert button while laying on kitchen floor 1 minute later.
"Maybe I wasn't born to runnnnnnnn!"
(Unopened pickle jar on kitchen counter chuckles quietly)

Just don't dump out pixie sticks, line up some fat rails, and go all Tony Montana…
It hurts (might as well do meth).

Later, Cliff - good on ya, and hellz:
I agree, get Duff… i mean, he actually looks like a younger version of Cliff.
Enjoy the retirement, spending relaxing days with:
You and your dog at home! (You and your dog at home!)
You and your dog at home! (You and your dog at home!)