Michael Schmidt

Ice cream is ice cream. Are you retarded?

Dont be stupid guys. Pope would have had to leave Wayward Pines. So everything you guys just said was pointless. Pope was able to get information from the 2014 world in Wayward Pines and then LEAVE and then COME BACK with OTHER PEOPLE from THE PAST. Okay… Suuuuuuuure. None of that happened. Everything you were told

Andy they provided ALL the answers, they just flew right over your little head :(

Hank I bet you cant even tell us what actually happened at the very end of "The End" in LOST. This will dictate whether or not you can understand a TV show. I will give you a hint: They told you exactly what happened in the 15th episode of season 6. Bet you still cant answer the question properly.

Uhhh LOST answered everything too. I guess you were just too much of an idiot to get it. I'm so sick of idiots claiming something didnt answer questions because they are too stupid to actually understand the answers given. Dont go full retard again