Riley Freeman

Your whole argument loses any credibility because I DONT watch rap videos. I dont watch anything on BET and havent in about 6 years. I dont watch them on Youtube or anything else. I go by what i see on the streets, what i went through growing up. Maybe you believe whats in the media is only media hype. I believe

i really beg to differ there. Like i said, I am not justifying what these cops do, but there is more we can do to help each other than we currently do.

I never said any of them did. I even said michael brown putting his hands on a cop is not justification for killing. It is however a defense for cops who are RARELY convicted. I know all about oscar grant went to the theatre to watch that movie. That was a very sad case and BART officer got off extremely light.

a generalization always applies to some and not all. You want me to say 5% want this and 10 % want that. Can you provide specific numbers because I know I can't. So unless you can pull specific numbers, don't complain when generalizations are made.

Did I say all? any race convo will be spoken in general because its all over the world. So unless you have the time to go to every single city/town in every state/province in every country, please react to something specific and dont complain about generalizations.

I liked the episode and while I do watch scandal, i find it repetitive and as beautiful as kerry washington is, she has one face - her shocked and mortified face are one in the same and it gets annoying real fast.