Certain things in temperament might be set, but people's views can still be fairly malleable before 21 at earliest. (And sometimes as late as the thirties.) Google Derek Black. Or for someone who switched views on things at a bit older an age there's apparently the film "Keep Quiet" about a Hungarian man who abandoned…
I thought of going more silly/humorous with it but not sure how that would work. Like
Eek. That's rough. Enjoy some Lesley Gore I guess.
I misread what you wrote a bit, but in fairness the spelling threw me off.
A certain percent of older white women are so used to powerful men saying misogynistic things that they almost assume most powerful men do so in private. So it wasn't that surprising or upsetting to them. (I saw that several places.) Many to most of these women think Bill Clinton says and does worse and yet she "stood…
Bobbie Gentry could run as a Democrat. ("Fancy" has the line about "I may have been born just plain white trash" and she was from Chickasaw County where "Her grandmother traded one of the family's milk cows for a neighbor's piano, and seven-year-old Bobbie composed her first song 'My Dog Sergeant Is a Good Dog'." As I…
Evidence that that's it? And that a war of all against all is all you got left?
I'd actually forgotten about Webby until that picture.
"you deserve to get your teeth knocked in."
Every generation has its idiocies. For example Jesse Ventura looks to be a Boomer.
He sold poison milk to school children.
Not sure I'd go that far, but it wasn't that great.
Exactly. It has to be a group liberals like or are sensitive too. Home schooled kids are not any of that. Children of Republicans usually aren't either.
I'm pretty sure there were reactions against that too.
Yes, being an ass is something much of the Resistance has decided they have no compunction about. Hence a large percent of people dislike both Trump and the Democratic Party. As well as the Republican Party.
Rich and famous is probably enough. If Beyonce said something bad about Barron maybe she'd lose some sponsors, but probably not all of them or at least not all overseas ones.
You know it's possible to be upset by all of the above.
Whatever age has him actually serving in a political office or doing something corporate you can disagree with. So presumably not before 2024.
I believe there are already conservative leaning fashion sites. (Modesty fashion, traditional elegance, etc type stuff.) Granted though these people hate conservative the way some hardcore Leftists hate liberals still maybe they could find something. I guess Tila Tequila did some fashion work. I find some sports and…