So you gambled on love the Federation doesn't mind Don. Now about Jeff…
So you gambled on love the Federation doesn't mind Don. Now about Jeff…
Well there still might be…virtually every celebrity under 50. (Not counting country, Southern rock, or heavy metal musicians.) But if you want more specific I think many of these might still be okay for you.
Yeah it's weird they only have one season on Netflix now.
I see. They don't actually see HBO shows in Russia or Japan then. Makes some sense, I know my sister had to download American TV when living in Japan.
Japan does have critics of the Empire. Although they also have far-Right defenders of WWII Japan. I don't think it's quite like Germany where defenders of Nazi Germany are very underground or limit themselves, in public, to bemoaning what happened to Dresden.
So it's only regimes that have defenders that are verboten?
Both could be interesting. Although I think this is a little more implausible as I'm skeptical the North would really give black people a nation after the Civil War. Unless, maybe, the idea is to expel all black people to it.
Liberia did have other issues too though. It arguably was a kind of colonialism itself as the slaves sent there weren't really born there. It's a bit like Israel, although it's before the modern state of Israel.
Actual racists would be actual racists whether HBO or Amazon do shows or not.
Some of the Japanese stuff happened on our soil. And some of our Chinese Americans or Filipino Americans had parents or grandparents who suffered. And as has been mentioned the Japanese still have apologists for what they did.
The thing is Haiti, Liberia, Ethiopia, et alia could indicate black-ran nations don't exist in a world where
Like the story "An Ink from the New Moon" or the novel "Journey to Fusang" with Chinese colonizing the West Coast?
"Unless you are an American Indian, of course."
Okay let's say it has no social benefit at all. Why would that make it worse than "Man in the High Castle" showing literal Nazis as almost like cleancut New York suburbanites who are trying to moderate the effects of the "really bad kind of Nazi."
I do agree the combination of posts is suspicious.
"The blacks"???
So what the Twilight Zone was also misguided or should have never done episodes about 1960s racism?
Venezuelans might disagree.
That's a classic.
I think it and Destination Moon came out at roughly the same time. And that XM did have its partisans. Its Wikipedia page also says, it's "the first film drama to explore the dangers of nuclear warfare and atomic radiation through the lens of science fiction."