Thomas R

It's too early to tell. I remember some kid that was being touted as "Voice of conservative youth" or whatever and by 19 he was a liberal. Contrawise I know of at least one member of the Tea Party who was a staunch socialist in youth.

I saw a poll showing Kid Rock as ahead of Stabenow. That was…interesting.

He's nine. For all we know he just likes money and crazy facial expressions. Maybe in a few years Jim Carrey's career will revive after he plays a billionaire and the kid will switch to that.

I think kids are maybe more spontaneous or capricious. You'll literally see kids hug and tell someone they love them, then punch them like an hour later. (This makes being a kid sound like being drunk, granted.)

I'm not sure. I think I may have had some political views at nine that didn't agree with my parents. I know at 11 I saw an episode of "Aaron's Way" where the Amish kid didn't believe in pledging allegiance to anything but God and deciding I agreed. I think at that age the descriptions of the American Revolution kind

"because she couldn’t find a bakery willing and able to do it."

Understandable. I think it's gotten more intense in time.

Noted, thanks.

Also people said things like "By Jove" long after worship of Jupiter had died out.

That wasn't God, God doesn't need a starship.

I sometimes imagined humans, in TNGs, willingness to just go along with any bizarre alien ritual is a bit of a sign their own culture is somewhat bland and spiritually dead. (Although that's not the only indication of that. Their musical and other tastes seem stuck in the early twentieth century at times.) Or just

Yeah, that felt like a bit of a cheat. Like (I think I've used this example) say I went to Bhutan and they say "In that cave there is a prophet who transcends time and sends us messages of our future." And I go to the cave and find a being who exists outside of time and has sent them messages about their future. He

There was a chapel though in the wedding episode and an implication that people, in Africa at least considering Uhura, were still at least aware of Christianity when it came to that Roman episode.

The "Data's Day" episode of TNG indicated Hinduism still existed.

The scenario was not meant to be something that would happen, just maybe secretly (or not so secretly) desired.

I'm not a Republican anymore and even when I was a registered one I had forgotten I was one.

Of late I do think that much of the time.

Wow, really? Maybe elderly people on the coasts are doing good. Many I've know aren't doing near that.

Well kids can't vote.

I feel a bit of guilt clicking on these articles too. I should probably stop. It's kind of a love/hate thing for me and them.