Thomas R

TGoEE is actually one of the more politically interesting, to me, people on this board. He actually said something like "If you're in Utah vote for McMullen" during the election and has said he liked some things about George HW Bush.

I really doubt most elderly white people are rich. My parents certainly are not. Neither are the majority of elderly white people I know.

That's going by general life expectancy. Much of what causes life expectancy to be lower for blacks is deaths before age 60.

Asians live as long as whites. And African American men who live to 50 look to have a life expectancy of 27 more years versus a white man's 30.

Although I'm very white I'm not old or rich. I think some of Social Security can relate to the disabled or can if they are the children of the elderly.

Murkowski should be more the liberal-to-moderate hero in this, I'd agree. (Collins is from a state that, overall, leans somewhat Democratic.)

Happy birthday to you.

Calling a party "a cancer" doesn't exactly imply it's something where you will tolerate its survival if it's suitably modified.

It's more contrarian than I sometimes go because I know the consensus here so tend to censor myself on politics. (On entertainment I'm fairly open.)

I think it's intentionally inspired by it. The Reaper is somewhat like Virgil, I guess, though I admit the analogy there is a bit inexact. (Virgil was virtuous, if pagan, the Reaper seems more annoyed at times. Also inspired by something more in a Bergman film. Not that I've watched much of his, just Wild Strawberries

I'm open to more parties. But for the time being no third party will replace either of the existing two. There are too many difficulties in it.

I tend to think of them as historically resistant to TNT, but they did review Leverage. (Falling Skies being Sci-Fi makes it a tad different as I think they're more open to that.)

It's maybe like the stereotype of a woman who marries the guy who's exciting and dangerous, but then realizes that's not what you want in a husband.

Yes Mr. Shaddam one party rule would be better. Multi-party democracy is stupid as it may not serve the common good. (All the kids agree, look at that upvote count!) We know, we know.

Good one!

Ordinarily no, but people were being rather absolutist on this point and acting like there would be no defections.

At one time, but I think we're increasingly in an age where partisans will almost despise you more for "cowardice" and "neutrality."

"I seriously overestimated the Republicans' basic competence."

Dark Matter. Also maybe "What Would You Do?"

Nina Simone used to shoot people for coughing.