Thomas R

I might try more than via On Demand.

Yeah. I'm not really sure why TV tends to never show that, maybe they worry it would encourage people to lie to therapists, but I don't think I was at all weird. (A week late, but I remember now Dr. Katz did deal with this once. Steven Wright had a bit about how he'd "fake normal" with his therapist as a child. This

Possibly also the "Rape of Nanking" would require you to have way more Asian actors than Hollywood has at present. America has far more German descended people you could credibly have play Nazis.

Yeah gangs seem kind of perennial. Apparently the Crips themselves go back to the end of the 1960s.


Also if you're curious what states like Trump and what states hate him Gallup came out with a poll.

My mind briefly read that, or thought of, "Soylent Green Tea." And thinking it was maybe a potential band name.

I watched that via Netflix. It's a cute show. It kind of is very at variance from Chesterton, more than I like really, but it was pleasant viewing. (And for a British show it's maybe more Catholic, or any kind of Christian, than I would expect.)

I watched Kubo and the Two Strings over the weekend. I kept wondering if the whole thing was just going to turn into a story he was telling, but it was okay. (I don't think I'm as enamored with it as many, but it did have a nice mythic quality.) I originally was going to Up in the Air but I couldn't get into it.

Not sure.

Never seen this show before, but tried it due to that free preview thing. It's a little spicier than I like, but kind of interesting.

It is disappointing, but maybe not surprising. They reviewed Season One and the reviewer even seemed to like it. However it's maybe a "little" show that didn't get that many commenters.

I admit the title of this feature, Read This, seems to rub at me at times. It's like "How rude, have you heard of a little word called 'please.'"

Italy is fascinating because early on the Fascist Party had some Jewish members and you occasionally had Fascists who felt the alliance with Nazism was a betrayal of their ideals. (Their ideals were bad understand. It was like totalitarian state worship, and a belief in the competitiveness of war as advancing society,

Yeah we sometimes soften their barbarities.

As kevzero implies it's interesting that, despite so many such films, so many aspects of it are more or less ignored.

I only knew of it due to my DVR. I've been rewatching a few from last season to refresh my memory.

It is Summer. But they still could have found more than they did. It's not that hard.

Being a bit on the conservative side some of those are names I like, and only maybe one or two I kind of hate, but a few are a bit out there yeah.

I didn't think he was that bad, but he is outclassed.