Thomas R

In fairness I might not have selected a jazz song either because the guitar is not really as associated to jazz as it is pop-rock. I mean there are plenty of great jazz guitarists, but I don't think it's usually seen as being that dominant in the genre.

I wouldn't say fantastic, but despite my criticisms it has its moments and is the reason I got Amazon Prime. (I really liked the book and the series makes the Japanese Empire a bit less benign, which I like.)

Yeah. They could do like a "Two Georges" where the colonials lost the Revolutionary, or maybe it never happened as it's been awhile, and the result is mixed. (The world has less gun crime, people are more polite, American Indians have more autonomy, and blacks are doing better. However it's more primitive, less of the

I guess in part I think if people are going to side with slave-owners, even if they're portrayed as mostly terrible with a few redeeming qualities, than they are maybe going to side with slave-owners regardless. I don't know how far we should hope, as I don't think you favor any restrictions, things to go to keep bad

I suppose. Although as a congenitally disabled person I've on rare occasions gotten "why aren't you sterilized?" even though I have no plans of having kids.

Because at some point other nations could get their cotton, etc elsewhere so they'd be selling to no one due to boycotts.

So were you against Underground as well?

Alternative History TV isn't that common yet, at least not in my experience.

I initially thought maybe they were going to be inspired by Turtledove. Or Bring the Jubilee. Or various other books.

Well yeah, but Americans are often going to be comparing to American norms or history or culture. It's like when people say "The Democratic Party isn't to the Left by the standards of Scotland!" Well yeah, it's not but we're not in Scotland.

It seems a rush to think this will "celebrate the Confederacy." Is just showing the Confederacy celebrating it?


I think intriguingly you almost even could make it look okay and get a mixed response from people of various persuasions.

I think that poll that said 40% of millennials would restrict speech that offends a minority group has maybe freaked out some older people like me. (And also some in the other 60% of millennials.) So you may get "criticizing it as offensive is prelude to asking that people be fired or shows ended."

"I wish their concern had been reserved to the night of the premiere"

Yes! I was trying to remember the instrument in "Penny Lane" but blanked.

"the band recruited jazz performer Bud Shank"

Well because I'm partly about being educational. But also I meant you could "laugh" about most any city Trump could choose as most large cities lean Democratic with only a few exceptions and that's why I named some. (There are some "mixed" large cities though. San Diego is maybe the largest city to have Republican,

Well because I'm partly about being educational. But also I meant you could "laugh" about most any city Trump could choose as most large cities lean Democratic with only a few exceptions.

I said "almost all." Why would the Confederacy be like Sudan?