Thomas R

My Mom's odd because she initially called Trump "the devil" and voted for Rubio in the primary. Then she went through a period of liking him and thinking he was the only who could stand up to the Left, but she goes back and forth a bit.

I'm sorry I forgot you had a spyglass on his home life. Carry on then. ZaiJian!

Semi-serious question to you, and others, is there a Republicans death you'd actually find sad?

It's got to be a shock for her.

Okay that may well be the stupidest thing I've heard anyone say ever.

That is weird.

Oh and now I've watched Salvation. Which was a thing on CBS. It was you know there. People were doing stuff. There's maybe some kind of conspiracy. (Or not) So anyway it's adequate.

I'm not saying he is a great Dad, but there are plenty of rich Dads whose kids openly despise them and I'm not getting a vibe of even "I secretly hate this guy, but I don't want to make political waves" going on. And Hillary seemed at least open to the idea he's at least a mediocre to decent father. She was likely

I thought he was noted for humanitarian work. Or was that a cover for something? (If it was I guess that could fit Cosby.)

It's never about Peter Lupus.

SDCC looks to have been held in July or August since 1985 at latest. It's been in the Summer in all but two cases it seems. Maybe they go to the beach or something? (I've never been to California.)

Bummer to you and best to your great-uncle.

So like not "no blackmail" mind you, but less.

If you can't for him you can at least try to have sympathy for his family. I mean the girl, now woman, they named Bridget McCain was an orphan they adopted from Bangladesh. (And subject to the weird slur he had a "black baby.") I mean you could at least feel bad for a South Asian former orphan who likely loves him.

That's mostly true when you're a politician of any party at a non-local level.

Yeah. That's the kind of thing that started make this place a tad uncomfortable for me of late.

That last part seems a tad presumptuous. We don't entirely know what kind of father Trump is really.

Even my Trump voting Mom, who I love, was kind of irate over that interview.

"Though Frasier’s latest date doesn’t seem to be too important, it is in hindsight. It’s the debut of Dr. Lilith Sternin"

Comic-con maybe. Not much really.