Thomas R

This has entered my mind. I think it's maybe intentional that Neolution's camp doesn't seem entirely different from the Proletheans. The whole "Children of the Revival" book being called "creepy" by Charlotte, and Rachel acting like she's been to the mountaintop and had a vision, gives it a bit of a culty vibe. So he

Stupid acts seems appropriate to a Gong Show.

A part of me wants MK's babbling to mean PT Westmoreland is in some way lying.

"And yes, that is a real poem that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote."

What is the actual GLOW? I gather it's not a toy from my childhood or a glow worm. So what the ZaiJian is it!

There could be a point where if you find it shitty enough you just leave. I've considered that even if the switch to Kinja wasn't coming. (Part of this, maybe much of this, is the decline in TV club though.)

Although I've stated I have problems with the idea of "right side of history", I think this is often something we know in hindsight and might not be all that obvious at the time, it is true Republicans have veered a good deal in just my lifetime.

I admit I sort-of enjoy it, but I sometimes avoid saying it.

I mentioned elsewhere that I guess they had hits in Europe for years afterward.

As mentioned it's in a "US" basis. It's like A-ha, original version I think, with "Dark Is the Night for All" apparently was in the British and Irish top-40 in 1993. But for Americans they're just "the band that sang Take on Me." (Although not technically a one hit wonder, even here, as "The Sun Always Shines on T.V."

The 1980s did have some pretty good ones. (I personally still think the 1980s was a fairly good age for pop and maybe country too.) Lots of fun stuff. And some really zany stuff like the video to "Centipede." (The only Jackson that, last I checked, stuck with Jehovah's Witnesses.)

Too soon!

I said something similar. Although Democrats of that age were pretty terrible from most of our perspectives too. I think McLellan (sp?) people ran ads "scaring" people that Lincoln would lead to massive "miscegenation."

"Republicans of Abraham Lincoln’s day."

Ted Nugent is kind of a fringe idiot at this point. He hasn't had a real hit since, at latest, 1986. Johnny Depp was nominated for a SAG Award in 2015.

I've now watched Dark Matter. Time loops! Phasing assassins! Elderly Five/Emily/Das talking to the android who's in weird black hair! Also watched the season premier of Orphan Black. I now have the second due to On Demand as well.

I will give them props for including older songs like "Mother-in-Law" and "96 Tears." Sometimes lists like this get a bit "recentist" to use Wikipedia speak.

Yeah. When I looked at a list of "one hit wonders" I saw several musicians that I wouldn't think of as one-hit wonders at all. I think Shirley Bassey was even listed for being a one hit wonder here. Also Dave Brubeck Quartet (as I mentioned), Stan Kenton, the Vince Guaraldi Trio (and not for "Linus & Lucy"), Astrud

I considered mentioning Taco but "Puttin' on the Ritz" I'm reasonably sure is an old song he covered. I guess it is a one-hit-wonder for him though. (Would that make him a one-hit wonder, but the song kind of not?)

I do enjoy My Sharona too to be honest. Listening to the lyrics it's kind of skeevy, but seeing as the actual Sharona is okay with a grown man singing his lust for her when she was seventeen maybe I shouldn't judge. (Well maybe a little.)