Daniel Key

Almost being the operative word.

YES to Demolition Man, Congo, Final Destination, Mortal Kombat. NO to xXx and Battlefield Earth!
Where Starship Troopers at?


It looks like a fucking NASCAR Commemorative plaque or something….

And fucking Exodus. And Robin Hood. Don't forget that bullshit. I mean I mostly love Ridley Scott but fuck off dude.

Heh. Spoiler Alert.

Watched about five minutes of the show, wondered why there was another show about medieval white dudes, changed the channel. I was thinking, why can't we have a show about medieval Arabic countries? Like some 13th warrior shit except without the whole part where he goes to Scandinavia and all that bullshit.

In other news, no one gives a shit what George Lucas thinks.

In other news, SNL says "We would have never asked you anyways."

“Hate me all you want, or call me paranoid and misinformed,” says “Dr. Manny,” instantly predicting and therefore negating all criticism, “but there is one common theme that is pervasive in American pop culture today: violence."